~ VIII ~

612 19 5

♛ Jojen ♛
Groaning from the intense pain radiating through me I prop myself up as best I can turning my attention to the scene unfolding before me.

Alynna stands defensively and delivers the final strike, the woman falling limp to the hard earth. Still standing, shock gracing her features, Alynna's icy grey eyes glaze over and her body sways momentarily. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion only to see her fall to the muddy unforgiving earth with a gentle thud.

The earth is stained an eerie red and her flawless complexion is white as snow making the scarlet drops of blood glow unnaturally in the sunlight that is seeping between the brooding branches of the surrounding trees.

The remaining two edge forward menacingly but my focus remains largely on the unconscious form that lays peacefully in the blood-red sea of fallen leaves. I crawl over shoving the deceased wildling away from Alynna and tugging lightly on her to pull her head up onto my lap. Cupping her face in my shaking hands I brush my thumb gently across her smooth skin.

A deep growl sounds from the tree line catching my attention and causing my eyes to dart towards the oncoming pair who now hover a metre or two away, their pace faltering with the sudden growl in the trees.

The pair step forward and my heart races with the helplessness I had previously ignored. Holding Alynna tighter to my chest I fumble for her sword which had dropped beside her in the kerfuffle.

The growling intensifies and Alynna jolts in my arms. Looking down at her I see the ghostly white of her eyes which could only mean one thing-

Before I could finish my train of thought a snarling direwolf jumps from its concealed position behind the ancient elms.

The vicious beast, Alvira, pounces on the first of the two remaining wildlings easily seizing their throat and shrouding the time-honoured trees with an intangible shade of crimson.

She then turns menacingly towards the last of our assailants whose expression wavers almost unnoticeably. However, in their one moment of weakness Alvira strikes sending them both flying backwards, at least a metre, only for Alvira's snarling to cease. She throws her head back with a spine-tingling howl before turning victoriously towards us - the late wildling's flesh still clasped tightly between her pearly-whites. She grins as best as a direwolf can and drools the metallic gore along her path soon departing the clearing to enjoy the fruits of her victory.

As if on cue, Alynna's eyes return to their stormy grey hue and she releases a drawn out breath - exhaustion taking its hold.

Dragging myself back to the now bloodstained oak I cradle Alynna gently in my arms and lean my head back against the sturdy trunk. I inhale deeply knowing help will soon come and with that thought I close my eyes alleviated.    

Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now