~ VII ~

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Anger courses through my body, my fear causing my heart to pulsate rapidly out of my chest. Pivoting with my sword poised to strike I size up my opponents. There are four of them; each one stationed on a separate side blocking the only entrances to the clearing and surrounding me with their weapons drawn. They stand still as statues. Carefully I flick my eyes between them, surveying their every move.

Once again facing the hooded figure I glimpse his now rather more prominent features. An abundance of scars and fresh wounds cover his face and as quickly as I'd focused on them they were concealed again the sinister figure giving a gentle, almost unnoticeable, nod towards the other wildlings that stand like soldiers awaiting their orders.

Sensing movement to my right I swing around and with a clash of metal our swords meet, an echoing cacophony of metallic clinks and clanks engulfing the cool air. Gaining the advantage before they could even realise their predicament I deliver the final blow sending the stocky male to the ground. He lies silently on the mud surrounded by the brittle leaves that litter the woods floor.

A silky crimson drops off of the shiny metal of my blade and I turn to the 'leader' of the small group. The group, who still stand patiently for their cue, are seemingly unfazed by the defeat of their friend and ally.

A second nod is passed signalling the next 'brave' wildling to commence their approach but surprisingly despite the confident scowls they are sending my way none of them step even an inch closer. Turning slowly I narrow my eyes towards the wildling holding Jojen. Her small dagger perfectly positioned to cause agony if a struggle were to ever arise.

Raising my eyebrow in a challenging manner the smaller built wildling pushes Jojen at the nearby oak with a sudden burst of brute force. Restraining myself from rushing to his aid I ready myself for the oncoming attack and soon enough the small wildling woman charges towards me my sharp sword easily outmatching the puny dagger with which she was armed.

Silky red blood splatters the once luscious green grass. The reality of my actions finally begins to take its toll. My head grows heavy with rushing thoughts; thoughts that would haunt me forever. Words like monster and murderer begin to pound my skull. The world around me spins violently and everything blurs into a vast nothingness. Darkness seeps in and engulfs me in a sinister embrace until my legs fail me and I find myself dropping, the earth rushing up to meet my head. Finally sending me into the dark abyss which greets me like an old friend.

Clairvoyance ♛ Jojen ReedWhere stories live. Discover now