~ IX ~

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Bounding footsteps echo around the godswood, leaves and twigs crunching loudly underfoot. Jon darts between the weathered trees leaping over protruding tree roots and ducking under low hanging branches. With his breathing ragged and sweat dripping off of his brow, he powers on a determined look set on his face.

The cause of his distress being the chink of metal on metal which sends a chilling shiver rippling through his veins. Adrenaline pumps throughout his body, his heartbeat pounding in his ears, as he follows the distant grunts of the ongoing battle.

A large gust of wind rustles the towering trees leaves and amplifies the sound until it is as though the fight is growing larger and larger - he must be close now.

Bursting through a pair of arched oaks Jon opens his mouth in shock at what he sees before him.

Rushing further into the clearing the panic stricken Jon sighs in relief, his dark locks moulded tightly to his forehead. With a swift swiping motion he removes the salty beads of sweat that shroud his furrowed brows and advances further towards the cause of his relief.

As if noticing the entirety of his surroundings Jon's eyes flick around the clearing taking in the eerie red which litters the leaves and his sisters pale complexion.

A sea of carnage covers the clearing. Blood pools around the deceased and their weapons lay futile on the hard earth. In the shadows at the far end, slumped against an oak, are Jojen and Alynna. Jojen grips Alynna tightly to his chest. Even in the midst of slumber he grips her protectively, her angelic form radiating a childlike innocence. The pair look still and statuesque their shallow breathing the only tell tale sign that they survived the carnage that surrounds them.

Rushing over in a frenzied panic, Jon's eyes glance over Alynna's pale skin for any signs of harm. His expression quickly changing to one of relief knowing that Alynna has escaped the ordeal relatively unscathed bar a dagger like incision resting above her right hip which oozes it's metallic gore onto the graceful fabric of her betrothal dress.

He reaches over her dainty frame to better assess the wound only for Jojen to jolt awake and pull her closer to his chest - his eyes widening in shock. Jojen's brown orbs land on the now composed Jon, who was quick to rid his expression of emotion.

Relaxing slightly Jojen looks expectantly at Jon who without a word scoops her up and heads towards the Great Keep.

Jojen trailing behind finally falls into step beside Jon who's gaze is set firmly ahead of him. You don't need to be a seer to know better than to intervene between the protective instincts that form between siblings (Jojen's sometimes overly protective sister, Meera, soon coming to mind).

Gathering his thoughts, still puzzled as to how and why there was a group of wildlings in the godswood, Jon remains silent. His silence itself showing his anger and frustration.

Emerging from the tree line, the harsh rays of sunlight beat down upon their faces. Their eyes fall on the crowd of guests congregated outside of the hall - the young bride-to-be's disappearance obviously having caused quite a stir. Before they could even think to slip out of the prying eyes of their possible onlookers, a shout is heard signifying they've been spotted. Slowing significantly at the sight of Catelyn's angry face peering through the crowd, Jon walks on ignoring the cacophony of voices - like Chinese whispers - spreading around the courtyard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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