Part 10: The Stray.

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A/n: Hehe, this is awkward...hey guys. I don't have a valid excuse for being dead for a few days. Except I got a PS4 and i'm addicted to Overwatch, Fifa 18 and Call of Duty WW2. -Sigh- Sorry, not sorry. Oh wait! I HAVE A VIABLE EXCUSE! I HAVE CHRISTMAS TESTS NEXT WEEK! (They won't suspect a thing...). New chapter though, last time we revealed that we're officially in Ozpin's inner circle,how will this work out in the far future? Did they tell us everything? Need to get there first though! Letsa gooo!


Y/n: God damnit! Why now!? I have been deprived of far too much sleep already!

Ozpin: On behalf of the circle, I apologise, but this may be crucial information. We need you to scout Vale tonight as we believe that the White Fang may strike another Dust store or Schnee dust cargo ship. And that's final.

You desperately look around for help. Qrow just nods as he takes a swig of his flask. You sigh and look to Glynda for help, who merely shakes her head as if to say 'you're on your own'.

Y/n: Fine...

Everyone smiles slightly, until...(A wild Dragonite appeared- Wait a second!!!)

Y/n: But when I get back, you all better tell me everything. I know you've deliberately not told me everything. I'll find out sometime, so may as well tell me sooner then later. Capiche?!

Everyone looks at the now retreating to the elevator, stoic Grandmaster with surprise on how he figured that out so quickly. He hits the button for the ground floor in annoyance and the door closes. Silence envelops the office of Ozpin.

Qrow: You taught him way too well Kuai...

Kuai:...I know, he scares me sometimes...

Glynda: I hardly think it's a good idea to trust him with all of this so early on...what if he gets captured?

Kuai: He's outclassed me at his age already. He won't be captured, I guarantee it.

Ozpin doesn't look up or join the debate, instead, looking down at his never ending coffee filled mug, staring at 'his' reflection. Qrow takes note of this.

Qrow: He'll know if we lie to him. We have to tell him the truth Oz.

Ozpin: -Sigh-. Yes, I know Qrow.

-Y/n 3rd POV-

Y/n: I can't believe this. I've been working my ass off for the last week...-sigh-. 

Pyrrha approaches you from behind and wraps her arms around your neck, sensing your stress.

Pyrrha: What's wrong Y/n?

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