ReedxSunny-A Hidden Love

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This is dedicated to @ggghhhyiy for suggesting it.

I bounced down the hallways with Tsunami following me. I could barely contain my happiness, but luckily Tsunami didn't question why I was so happy. Today Clay's siblings were visiting. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I saw the rest of my friends round the corner.

"Do you want to ask or do you want me to?" Glory asked Tsunami.

"You can." Tsunami replied.

"Why are you this happy Sunny?" Glory asked as she watched me bounce up and down.

"It's just a great day to be happy." I replied, hopping that they would buy the excuse. They seemed because no one said anything else about my excitement.

"Sunny you're shaking the floor." Starflight pointed out. Even though he was blind Starflight had continued to do what he loved and was usually in a good mood. Today was no exception. He smiled at me and added a light laugh to the end of his sentence.

"Am I going to have to restrain you?" Clay joked as he grabbed me and hugged me. Seeing Starflight and Tsunami laughing he pulled them in too. "Come one Glory." Clay said as he pulled Glory in.

"I don't like it when people touch me and you guys know that." Glory replied, trying to get out of the group hug. Instead we all hugged Glory and soon all of us were laughing.

"Reed, Pheasant, Umber, and Sora!" Clay cried, running over to his siblings. In the middle of them stood the reason to why I was this happy today, Reed. When I had first met him he had asked me to be his girlfriend and I had happily agreed. Now here he stood, his friendly smile and beautiful laugh, his smooth scales and the twinkle in his eye that I had fallen in love with.

He saw me and gave a small wave as I walked over. He gave me a nudge with his wing. We had agreed to keep our relationship a secret, not wanting to cause any problems. We weren't sure how the others were going to take it, most of all Clay, who was close to both of us.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" Reed asked me, gesturing towards all of the other people in the room.

"I know just the place." I said. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Pheasant giving us a weird look. Deciding not to worry about it I lead Read down one of the hallways until we came to the underground lake. "Do you like it?" I asked as we sat down.

"It's beautiful, but not a beautiful as you." He replied. I blushed and he kissed me. After we pulled apart I heard a gasp. I turned around in time to see Pheasant racing down the hallway.

"I think Pheasant saw us." I told Reed, worry beginning to settle in.

"We were going to have to tell them eventually." Reed said as he took my talon in his. "No matter what I'm always going to love you."

Smiling I stood up and Reed put a wing around me as we walked back towards my friends.

When we walked in we were met by my friends all looking at us. They just seemed to be surprised though that we had come back.

"Tell them or I will." Pheasant said, standing next to her other siblings.

"Tell us what?" Sora asked.

"What did you need to tell us?" Umber also asked, looking at both of us.

Luckily Reed had taken his wing off of me when we had rounded the corner, meaning that the others didn't suspect anything. Pheasant continued to look at both of us though and I knew that she was serious.

"Reed and I are dating." I said, slowly. For a moment no one spoke.

"You guys are dating." Clay said as though he were trying to understand.

I nodded my head before looking at Reed and kissing him. Everyone's jaws dropped.

I laughed as I rejoined my friends. I am really glad that Clay's siblings came to visit.

Please no one hate me. I tired my best.

*Runs away*

*Angry mob chases after me*

*Hides behind boxes*

I hoped that you liked it.

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