SunnyxSmolder-Love Letters

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This is dedicated to SunnySandWing for suggesting it. I'm doing something slightly different this time, but I still think that it's cute.

Dearest Sunny,

I miss your smiling face. I miss the way you always made me laugh and stood with me through thick and thin. You steered back onto the right path and forgave me for all of my sins. Some may say that angels don't exist, that they're merely hallucinations, but then again some of them have never met you.

I will never grow old of your sweet laughter. Or the way you look at Flower, as though you really do understand her. I have tried for so long and with so many to make them see that Flower can think, act, and even feel just like you and me. Yet you came prancing into my life and saw all of that in just mere seconds. You send my heart aflutter whenever I see you and even though that may sound overused and unoriginal, every word of it is true.

Never stop winning dragons over with that smile, as long as you save room in your heart for me. Never let anyone take away that look in your eyes. Never let even the worst of dragons bring you down.

Just remember love that whenever you're feeling alone in this world, I'll be there. Leaving you is not even something to be considered. For how could one leave such a perfect dragon behind?

Your true love,


Sunny lightly traced over his signature with a single talon as she re-read the letter. The corners were ripped and torn and the paper looked as though it was a thousand years old. In reality it had only come in yesterday, but Sunny couldn't remember a second that she didn't have it between her talons.

She giggled slightly picturing him as he wrote this, it was almost as if he was standing behind her, reading the letter to her, each word dripping with emotion and true love.

Turning around to make sure he really wasn't there, and feeling silly when he wasn't, she titled her head slightly to the right and took a new scroll from a corner of her desk to write her reply.

I know that it' short, but I think it says more then any book I could have written about the two. Just know that I tried to capture the love between the two and the devotion to one another. I have three more chapters to work on and they will be up soon.

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