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This is dedicated to @SirLukeandCo for suggesting it.

Nervous, an adjective meaning someone tending to be anxious. A real life example would be Qibli as Moon walked up to him. His heart was pounding out of his chest to the point where he was sure that the entire rainforest could here the quick pace of it. Glancing at his surroundings the observant dragon noted that he could faintly here running water to his left, most presumably a small waterfall, and that while trees taller then any he had ever seen before fenced them in on all sides in this little clearing, there were also small shrubs that ranged from the size of a full grown dragon to the size of a dragon egg. Colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes dotted the green foliage. Birds and creatures Qibli had never heard before, chirped, squealed, and sang as the beating of his heart kept up with them.

"Qibli?" Moon asked, worry lining her voice making Qibli feel guilty. She was facing him, their faces only a few inches away.

"Sorry, I was just taking in the scene." Qibli quickly answered, glad he had his skyfire on him.

"It's beautiful out here." Moon agreed. Something in her voice made Qibli's heart melt and he must have been looking at Moon for a few seconds too long because she gave him a weird look.

Blushing, he wiped the dopey grin he had been sporting off his face and mentally yelled at himself.

"Why did you bring me out here?" Qibli questioned, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"It's were I grew up." Moon stated simply, a sad sparkle in her eye as she pulled away slightly. "It's home to me, or my first home at least. I remember splashing underneath the waterfall over there." She gestured to her right and Qibli was pleased to learn that he had been correct about the waterfall being there. "I used to listen to the birds sing and see what animals I could find. My Mom would sometimes be away for days at a time, although she tried her hardest to come whenever she could."

Qibli nodded, feeling sympathy for her.

Walking over to a nearby bush he picked a flower that he recognized, a dark purple Orcid and walked back to her. Smiling slightly he tucked to it behind her left ear. Neither of them moved away though, instead staying within inches of each other.

"Th...Thank you.'s pretty." Moon stuttered, her breath tickling his face.

Instead of answering for the first time in his life Qibli didn't stop to ponder the different effects or outcomes of what may happen and instead just went for it.

Qibli pressed his lips against here and she kissed back. It was a small peck, and they separated after only a few seconds, but it left them both blushing like crazy.

I feel proud of myself. Have a great day all of my lovely readers. Also I'm not taking suggestions, I just have two more chapters to finish up before this book is finished.

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