QiblixWinter-Refusing to Believe

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This chapter is dedicated to koalaface210 for suggesting it.

"Suck it up Winter he's just a dragon, you should have no problem just hanging out with him." The Icewing scolded himself as he paced back and forth in his sleeping cave. "Why did I ever even agree to this?" He complained, mentally slapping himself for his silly mistake. Taking his earlier advice, he sucked it up and began the short walk to the library where Qibli was waiting.

Webs had assigned a history project and had put everyone in teams. Qibli and Winter had been paired up and had agreed to meet in the library after dinner. The male Icewing had a problem with this though, he couldn't be around Qibli. Whenever he was for some reason his heart would beat fast and he would feel all sweaty. Not to mention that he found himself lost in his thoughts more often, and they were always about that particular dragon. Refusing to believe that he was in love he continued walking. After all there was no way he would ever have feeling for the dragon he couldn't stand in the beginning, right?

When he entered the library he was slightly relieved to see that they weren't alone. About ten other dragonets sat in various place, some working on projects together and others just simply curled up next to a leaf window letting the Sun soak their scales as they read a scroll. Starflight, as always, sat in the middle of it all, appearing to be sorting several scrolls and answering questions.

The Sandwing spotted to him and happily walked up next to him his single earring bouncing along with him. His arms were piled with several scrolls and Winter internally sighed, realizing that Qibli was, as usual, going to go all out for this assignment.

"It's pretty crowded in here. Want to go to the underground lake to study?" Qibli asked casually.

"Sure." Winter tried to sound as calm as possible, even though his heart was racing.

With Qibli leading the way the quickly made it to the cave and Qibli set up the scrolls as Winter tried to stare at him too long. He couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't pretend that he didn't have feelings toward the Sandwing. He couldn't pretend to just be friends. He needed to tell him. He owed him that much.

"Qibli?" Winter asked, his face turning slightly red.

"That's me." Qibli replied, looking right into Winter's eyes.

"I love you." Winter blurted out, in the most unprofessional way possible. "I know that your probably don't feel the same way, but I needed to tell you because it's been really bothering me." Before Winter could continue his rambling, Qibli cut him off.

"I love you too." He whispered before kissing him. Winter's eyes widened in surprise. After pulling away Winter was the first to find his voice.

"Let's not tell anyone about us yet, okay?" He asked, but Qibli wasn't looking at him.

"I think it's too late for that." Qibli replied, gesturing to the entrance behind Winter.

Turning around Winter saw Kinkajou, her scales a nearly blinding yellow and her mouth wide open.

"Kinkajou don't tell anyone about this." Winter told her sternly, but it was already too late.

"Moon!" Kinkajou screamed, running down the hallways to tell her friend. "Winter and Qibli finally kissed! I told you they would!" They could both her the whispers of the other dragons as Kinkajou ran by them, loudly telling the world what Winter and Qibli had wanted to keep a secret.

"Oh no." Qibli said. Looking back at each other Qibli gave him a slight smile before they both burst out laughing. Winter and Qibli could talk to Kinkajou later about not blurting everyone's secrets out to the entire school.

I know that I normally write these chapters from first person P.O.V., but I felt like it fit this better writing from third person P.O.V. so I did. Only one chapter left in this book. Have a great day everyone!

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