MoonxWinter-Thawing Heart

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This chapter is dedicated to koalaface210 for suggestion it.

"He had the most perfect eyes. His smile could melt my heart. His laughter glued a goofy grin to my face for the next week. I was in love, utterly in love. I didn't care if he was an Icewing, I loved him none the less. I had vowed to myself long ago that I wouldn't let us be like Darkstalker's parents. I wouldn't let him turn ice cold, even if he was an Icewing, and I wouldn't let myself be too blind to see it until it was too late.

From the day that I met him, I could tell he was different. He had built a wall made out of ice around himself, but there was a crack in it, a single strand of love left in him. His family hadn't completely destroyed him when I first met him. Though at times I too struggled to keep sane I had, all thanks to him. I in turn had returned the favor as we got each other through our darkest times.

Whenever he was around I felt safe, like nothing could ever hurt me. I knew that he never let anything even touch me. If someone would even look at me the wrong way he would claw their face off.

Slowly over time I had managed to chisel a hole through the wall made of ice and he began to grow as a dragon. What once had been a cold and distant dragon, now was welcoming to dragonets and kind to strangers.

He had always kept a thin wall around him though and I was the only one allowed inside.

When our dragonets were born though, his once strong wall flowed away as though it were made of water. His frozen heart had been thawed." I finished, tears streaming down my face.

"I know that you miss him." Kinkajou comforted me. She carefully wrapped a wing around me and we both stared at my sleeping children, all three on them.

"I just can't believe that he's gone. I didn't want the dragonets to grow up without their Father." I whispered, breaking into sobs at the end. We had mourned the loss of Winter for two weeks now, but the wound was still as fresh as it had been when I first heard that he was dead. He was been crushed by several boulders while saving a small Seawing dragonet. However, only the younger one had made it out alive. The cave began to collapse and Winter had thrown the dragonet to safety before he was crushed. He was killed on impact.

I love Winter though, no matter what.

This is the final chapter and while I didn't want it to end on a sad note I just felt like this is how it should go. I apologize to anyone who thought that this was going to have been all happiness.

I am however, taking my book, Glorybringer, out of retirement and continue to work on it. The new chapter should be up sometime this week.

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