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Leaving school on a Monday evening mom calls me to tell me " darling we're going to be having a guest over for a while, so Sam (short for Samantha) be nice ,don't be rude to her."

"Lol" she knows Amma be rude to her anyways. And worst she'll be sleeping in my room in my bed, Of course Amma be rude.  

Hi y'all I'm  16 an i'm a tomboy who loves to chill with my best friends Ted, Roy, Roce, Milo and Felix, we're all stunt bikers and dancers .

Reaching home Mom's trying to introduce her by saying " Sam this is Renée" , so I rolled my eyes and walked up stairs to my room.

She is pretty but i didn't like her and  I could tell she knew it.

A few moments later mom walks in to remind me that  "jus a reminder that Renée will be sleeping in here , please can you make space for her clothes" mom asked I rolled my eyes yet again. 

I had two underwear draws for panties and bras and the other for underpants. Now I had one , because I have to share with this brat uh-huh.

Renée stood in a corner looking all shy and shit  .

I had 15 mins to get changed and meet the gang outside for dance and stunt practice, an doing all this was making me late.

She finally asked me what's my name ?

I snapped and said" none of ur cute bundles ,Just put whatever you need to put there mom will do the rest ".  I rolled my eyes , only to hear  mom yelling

" Sam  your friends are here !!!!!".

I wasn't even dressed yet I was still in my underpants and my under shirt, I was about to be fucking late because of innocent sweet p over here. I yelled back "ok". Next thing I heard was mom saying outside my room

" take Renée with me and remember to be back by dinner". Mom States

" Mom am not bring  sweet p with me and plus she doesn't have a bike, and am the only girl they allow in the gang".  I responded

"Either she tags along or you'll have to stay home!!..". We both know that wasn't gonna happen.

I rolled my eyes giving in "ok ok I'll bring her.!!! ". Mom kissed me on the top of my forehead as I told the little princess " can you to get ready and hurry up. Geeeshhh u already made us late" I told in a upsetting tone ,she smiled .

I got dressed as fast as I could wearing a grey sweat pants and a white tshirt , and ran downstairs to the guys to let them know we were gonna have  intruder.

2mins after that I yelled " hurry up Renée your gonna make us miss our game, Just then she walked out looking like a girly girl , I rolled my eyes , while Ted teased me and Roy whistled at her. I rolled my eyes once more sighed and told her to get on.

After we've finished playing football , we did some bike stunts  and headed home. I pushed sweet p  on my bike whiled I walked, I actually didn't mind walking, thought it came in my head a few times to let the bike go down the hill with her on it, I know I know I'm a jerk but it would be pretty funny.

We got home a couple minutes before dinner time. As we entered into the house mom came walking up to us to ask how was the game and if we had fun . The moment sweet p started talking I got upset and went upstairs to get cleaned up for dinner a minute after I got in Renée came in after me , I turned around to see her standing in the way to the bathroom  I told her to move it and don't get comfortable. She flashed the sad face .

During dinner mom said " so Sam Renée will be starting your school  tomorrow"

I immediately lost my appetite and excused myself from the table.  Went to my room and cleaned up and went to bed.


    ¡Hi guys this is the intro to this awesome book.

Let me know how you'd want Sam and Renée to end up , by commenting below . Don't forget to vote..😍😘😍😘😍😊

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