The Space.

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I don't  know what happened between Sam and Mrs O'Ryan but I can't help feeling it's my fault. But if it's it's about Sam and I making live why would she get upset, I don't know but I need answers. I need to know why my baby now has wale marks on her face and in tears. I got up and walked down the hallway to Mrs and Mr O'Ryan's  bed room and knocked on the door she told me to come in.
I sat beside her on the floor and asked her what happened between you and Sam.  She looked up at me .
"Sam should have never took advantage of your condition after your parents passed"

Mrs O'Ryan Sam didn't take advantage of my condition. I made her breakfast in bed , to thank her for taking care of me, making sure I ate on time , showered and I wasn't sad, and i kissed her. She pulled away and she even apologized for kissing back.
She isn't the one to blame. Ok I kissed her  .I know your probably thinking am covering up for her ,but I promise you Sam isn't the one to blame. She got scolded, and slapped because of me. It's all my fault , you told her your ashamed of her and now she won't talk to me again, that's why she's not taking my calls or messages.

To :Sam
From :Renée
Time :3:18pm
Date: December 15,2016.

Sam are You ok . Baby what happened? , why did your mom hit u?' why did she tell a you . Are you mad at me baby? . Talk to me. Please. . I love you . 😞😞😞

To :Sam
From :Renée
Time :8:15pm
Date: December 15,2016

Sam I'm sorry you fought with your mom because of me. Please forgive me baby I didn't mean to get you in trouble. Please talk to me. Please don't hate me. I told your mom that I was the one to blame . Sam please don't hate me. 😭😭😭😭

I waited for an hour and 35mins to see if Sam would reply. I called and called and cried and cried. But sam didn't reply.

To :Sam
From :Renée
Time : 9:55pm
Date: December 15,2016

Sam I know your mad at me, but please don't hate me. I really Can't go back to us not speaking to each other. I'm really sorry I got you in trouble. Please come home. I miss you and am sorry.
I cried my self to sleep and woke up  about two times to check my phone to see if Sam  had texted , but I had no messages.  It was now 4:39am in the morning. I went downstairs to get some milk and cookies and headed back to bed and checked my phone.  Still nothing.


After a couple hours at Ted's house  I got bored of our me talks and ordered pizza and watch Netflix and past out on the top bunk bed in his room.
From :Ted
To: Sammay
Time 6:00am
Date: December 16,2016

Hey Sis I had to leave am heading to the airport to go to France. I didn't want to wake you  , so I let the keys on the coffee table and the rest of your pizza's in the refrigerator, remember you can stay as long as you need to , just don't damage the house Lol . Love you sis be safe
your bro and best friend .

From :Sam
To :Ted
Time : 7:45an
Date: December 16,2016

Hey I just bro just got up and saw your message . Yeah yeah I won't burn the house down , if that's what you mean lol. I'll be fine . Have fub in France and bring me back some underpants, love you too bro.  Safe flight

After I've finished texting Ted I saw Renée's calls and messages.

To :Sam
From :Renée
Time :3:18pm
Date: December 15,2016.

Sam are You ok . Baby what happened? , why did your mom hit u?' why did she tell a you . Are you mad at me baby? . Talk to me. Please. . I love you . 😞😞😞
To :Sam
From :Renée
Time :8:15pm
Date: December 15,2016

Sam I'm sorry you fought with your mom because of me. Please forgive me baby I didn't mean to get you in trouble. Please talk to me. Please don't hate me. I told your mom that I was the one to blame . Sam please don't hate me. 😭😭😭😭

I felt so sad  about just leaving her like that  .  After reading Renée's messages I felt worst  so I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and headed home, by now everything should be fine at home   but I I'll stay in one of the guest rooms, for a little while. 

Good morning I saw everyone sitting at the dinning table. I turn and head upstairs, when dad told me to come have breakfast . I had something to eat before I got here . Renée and dad hugged me and I  told then Amma sleep in the guest room. Renée looked sad I wanted to kiss her but I know I couldn't.  Mom didn't say anything to me.
I went upstairs got some stuff and went to the guest room. .

So I know I haven't updated the book in a couple days but hey I did now.  This chapter was pretty long  and sad so yeah. 

Comment and. . 
Don't forget to vote. My loves 😍😘😘😍

Oh and before I forget what would you guys want me to write next for a  (newbook?????).  Comment below as 😍😘😘😍😘😘😘😍😊😊😉 well.

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