Tuesday Babysitting

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Why did she have to stay here with us? Wasn't there any other friends or family members she could have stayed with, why us?.

She's pretty cute, but I still hate her,i  turned around in my bed an flick my eyes open slowly , then there was this stabbing feeling in my chest waking up seeing her starring at me I almost fell off the bed, and then the alarm goes off.
 " Don't you see anything else to look at?"
I rolled my eyes and turned of my alarm.

I got up an head to bathroom to pee , when miss bundles came in. As I was about to start yelling I heard mom

"Sam,Renée breakfast is ready "

I rolled my eyes,washed my hands  and slid down the stairs .

I gave  her good morning kiss and went around the table, and  so did bundles .

Mom sat down and said "I won't be here tonight so Miss j will make dinner ok"
, I rolled my eyes I'm used to Mom and Dad not being here, and them going on business trips . Mom told us to got get ready for school, and Renée to shower in her room so we won't get late .


I don't know Sam hates me am not trying to take her place  here or anything like that. Am just staying here until my parents gets back from Australia.

Sam's pretty cool , she's a stuck up girl. Mrs. O'Ryan on the other hand was like my mom , nice and warm. I really missed Australia my friends, my parents , my house which kind of look a lot like this one.

I'm not uses to it here , we " well i" only moved here only four days ago but for those first three days I was in a hotel until my parents got called back for work .

  I asked Mrs O'Ryan if I could call my parents to talk to them by using the house phone. She smiled at me and told me to go ahead. My parents were staying at my grandmother's house  , so when grandma answered I smiled and ask her for mom and dad , but they weren't home, we spoke for a couple minutes before I ended the call. Told Mrs O'Ryan thank and went to Sam's room. 

I got ready for bed but stayed awake until I passed out. I felt cold because the AC and the fan were on.  I subconsciously snugged up with Sam but almost got thrown off the bed.  Sam didn't like me and if it wasn't clear to my conscious body and mind am sure it's clear to my  subconscious mind. 

Sam was a cute sleeper,  I woke up early  as my body was used to back in Australia even though there's a huge time difference.

I watched Sam sleep when she opened her eyes and blinked four times before she almost fell off the bed as if she didn't remember I was here. Sam's alarm  went off , and she asked and I "why are you looking at me , don't you see anything else in here to look at" then turned her alarm off.

After a couple minutes Ms.O'Ryan called us downstairs for breakfast and told us she won't be home tonight and we should hurry up and get ready for school . I took a shower in Ms. O'Ryan's bathroom so I wouldn't be late as she explained Sam's takes long showers.  I hope Sam doesn't let me get knocked around in school since she doesn't like me . I said to myself as I got ready. I wished Sam would a least be nice to me today as it is my first day and Miss O'Ryan won't be home.

We sat in the car with Miss O'Ryan and the driver for a 18 min drive we suddenly pulled over to a big car lot, we were at my new school, it looked like my school back home.

Miss O'Ryan reminded the driver to pick us up on time, and to wait on her she'll be back in a couple minutes.

We walked to the school entrance and every one was starring at Sam , some came up and spoke to her , well ofc Sam's Mom an Dad were famous.

Miss O'Ryan is a  world known hair styles for a lot of celebrities. Mr. O'Ryan is a famous doctor and business man. . .. Miss O'Ryan got me settle down and left.

Time went by pretty fast and before i knew it , it was lunch time , I went to the cafeteria an got something to eat and sat at an empty table, when Roy Sam's friend came over and told me that" Sam's pissed off". I looked at Roy with a confused look  , "your at our table". I frowned and got up.


I just delivered Sam's message . And I felt bad for Renée.
"Sam I really don't understand why you don't like Renée, she's pretty cool."

After that Sayed  I looked over to see Renée sitting at the Monl-a-lee gang table. Monl-a-lee gang and us weren't friends we were literally enemies. One one there members started hitting on her and Renée looked pissed.

Renée stood up to find another table  but they were all full, Jake held her hand an told her to come sit with him, and pulling her in his lap, Renée said no!!


Renée got in trouble with the people I hated more than her.  I don't know why I got mad my girlfriend was in front of me, but I couldn't help but get mad at how Jake was handling bundles.

I got up ,Jake saw me coming , he started laughing hard. "Here comes Sam"
I smirked and told him to let go of Renée. "Jake asked an if i don't!!!!?"

"I was hoping you'd say that."

I punched him in the nuts , and pull Renée to my table as I warned Jake to stay away from Renée. A couple minutes after that lunch was over.

As we got up Jake came over from his long crunch, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and asked "didn't you have enough , what u plan to do Jake".

He looked a Renée and smiled at her. Jake punched me in the stomach ,I didn't flinch I already tensed up in expecting it, I know for a girl am pretty tough.  I smirked and punched Jake in the face  . I was about to do more damage when principal Wallace stepped in. And dragged us to his office. We spent the rest of our last session in Mr. Wallace's office explaining to him how it all started. Renée and I got yelled at more than I did because it was her first day and I could see it in her eyes how sad she was.

We both got off with a warning. The guys were outside waiting for Renée and I. After that we walked outside to the car.

So in this chapter Sam came to Renée's rescue .
And Sam showing that she can handle herself and you got to know a bit more about Sam's  and Renée's parents.
Hope you liked it. . Don't forget to comment and vote.

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