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Hi guys, after a long time, finally there's a new update 🙏, after my mutual tayley shipper sent me this, I really think is interesting to share it.

     I have always been really careful with details and also very suspicious, so to be honest, every time hayley likes something on IG or Twitter, I try to analyze the meaning (creepy, I know).
     But here's the thing, earlier today hayley liked a poem on IG, here it is:

     But here's the thing, earlier today hayley liked a poem on IG, here it is:

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     So this account on IG, belongs to Joey Mullen, Paramore's percussionist and tour member, there is only five poems in this account but for some reason she choose to like this one

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     So this account on IG, belongs to Joey Mullen, Paramore's percussionist and tour member, there is only five poems in this account but for some reason she choose to like this one.

    Okay now there's a million ways to interpret this poem when you try to get on her point of view, yes it can be seen as something related with what she had been through with Chad, but what really caught my attention, was the line: "weren't we kids?", and we all know that she and Taylor met each other when they were kids and this poem can be seen from the point of view off two people who has feelings for each other but don't ever come to an agreement.

At least that's my take on it, but the major reason of why I am posting this update and I don't think I would posted if she hadn't done it, is that for some reason hours later she unliked it... Which once again it's weird because why would she do this, I mean it's just a poem, but, one of my favorites is that every time unlikes something is because she doesn't want to to give any hint of anything so that makes me kind of suspicious because maybe she would be afraid on the conclusions we would get from it? Conclusions from who? Chad and the reason why she got divorced or one of them? Are because of Taylor and maybe something is actually happening?

    From all of the times that she'd unlike something lately, it's because it was something that had to do with Taylor, for an instance, the last update I wrote, were a post from a Tayley account, she liked it and minutes later she unliked it, another example was the other post she also liked months ago, if you don't remember it was a picture of Taylor with lyrics written over it saying "would it really kill you if we kissed".... and well once again, minutes later she unliked

Anyway guys, I really think this is an worthy update cuz I get really suspicious about things like that, and with everything that has been going on it's impossible to not side eye... Hope you guys liked it and please don't forget to vote, by the way I think my next chapter will not actually be an update I'm thinking about doing another one shot... anyway that's it, and once again, don't forget to vote💕 and share with your favorite mutual tayley shipper🌷

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