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After a long time thinking that Tayley would never happen and that all of this was nothing but having a good time having Headcanons, I really BELIEVE that Taylor and Hayley are dating.

So, the first lead that I'll share is:
1. Everytime when Hayley and Taylor are together, she rarely use social media, she never share pic of them or talk about it at all. Why? Hayley is in the middle of a divorce and I'm sure that she wouldn't like to people find out or even suggest that she's with someone else and Well, it's not a secret for anyone that Taylor is incredibly private when it comes to his personal life.

2. In fact, they're so secretive when they are together that they don't seem to like when someone else share the moment on social media, you want an example? Here we go:
A few weeks ago, Justin was at Taylor's house (and it's easy to recognize his kitchen cause others pics were shared) and so was Hayley which by the way was cooking, so Justin shared a pic about it on IG stories

 In fact, they're so secretive when they are together that they don't seem to like when someone else share the moment on social media, you want an example? Here we go:A few weeks ago, Justin was at Taylor's house (and it's easy to recognize his ki...

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After he shared this, just minutes later, he deleted out of nowhere which is weird, I mean, there's nothing polemic about it...

You want another example? Ok, here we go. On october 8, paranore shared a pic on instagram where it looks like zac was third wheeling, here it is:

As you can see, after Zac said "last night exactly @yelyahwilliams", she was incredibly extra saying "omg stop😂😂😂" but common, it's more like "omg shut up you idiot" lol

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As you can see, after Zac said "last night exactly @yelyahwilliams", she was incredibly extra saying "omg stop😂😂😂" but common, it's more like "omg shut up you idiot" lol

Anyway, they (H and T) spend an incredible amount of time together, most of it we'll never know ofc. But tour one and two was a great example of it. When the guys would go out there was a lot of time that they (t and h) wouldn't be with them, sometimes they'd stay in the hotel or in the bus (which some fans noticed). I'm not saying that their relationship started on any of those tours btw.

3. Three or four days ago, Taylor and Hayley went in a 4 hours drive alone to see their favorite band, a fan saw them:

 Three or four days ago, Taylor and Hayley went in a 4 hours drive alone to see their favorite band, a fan saw them:

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TAYLEY IS REAL AND IS HAPPENING - A theoryWhere stories live. Discover now