We are thriving

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Hey hey hey (sorry I never know how to start a chapter don't judge me - I'm also a bit drunk so yeah lol) It's been a while and yes, some weird things (as usual) happened.

First of all, can we talk about how interested Hayley is about tayley accounts on IG?! If you read every chapter of this book, you'll see that she liked posts many times from tayley accounts - some times she unliked afterwards but we see you👀, but things are changing lately, not the fact that she's alway lurking on tayley accounts but also the fact that she doesn't care to hide it anymore. This week (2 - 3 days ago I guess) Hayley viewed the stories from a tayley account AND also voted on their poll as you can see below:

 This week (2 - 3 days ago I guess) Hayley viewed the stories from a tayley account AND also voted on their poll as you can see below:

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As you can see, the tayley account (yelyatyork) asked in a poll if she should make a tayley edit or an edit for Taylor. But it gets even more interesting, after it happened, I talked to the person behind this tayley account and asked them to make a pool on their stories asking if people think that tayley is real or not, and guess what, Hayley came back and viewed their stories once again:

 But it gets even more interesting, after it happened, I talked to the person behind this tayley account and asked them to make a pool on their stories asking if people think that tayley is real or not, and guess what, Hayley came back and viewed ...

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Now maybe she came back to see the Taylor edit thay she asked for but what is also suspicious, is that after viewing this poll that asks if tayley is real or not, she decided to not vote at all. She could have just voted NO and end with all this discussion but she didn't, why? That's a great question. It's been a long time since she started to check on tayley accounts and she had about a million chances to just end with this thing, but her choice is always to stay quiet and I'm sure that she knows that she's actually fuelling our hopes that tayley is real. She voted on polls before in the same tayley account as you can see here:

So why couldn't she vote again? Why did she decide to stay quiet? She's been speaking her mind a lot and showing attitude when it comes to things that she disagrees but never said anything on the hundreds of times that she checked tayley accounts ...

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So why couldn't she vote again? Why did she decide to stay quiet? She's been speaking her mind a lot and showing attitude when it comes to things that she disagrees but never said anything on the hundreds of times that she checked tayley accounts amd now she's even interacting with us?!

Another lovely thing that has been happening is her hunger for Taylor contents (besides her asking voting for a tayley account to make an edit of him lol), lately she's been liking lots of things related to him💟

Another lovely thing that has been happening is her hunger for Taylor contents (besides her asking voting for a tayley account to make an edit of him lol), lately she's been liking lots of things related to him💟

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Anyway, for now, what's more interesting for me, is that she just don't care that we know that she's lurking around on tayley accounts and she's even voting on polls from them which lead us to another subject that I wrote on my tayley account on I...

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Anyway, for now, what's more interesting for me, is that she just don't care that we know that she's lurking around on tayley accounts and she's even voting on polls from them which lead us to another subject that I wrote on my tayley account on Instagram (just_tayley) and will also write it here cause I'm tired of this fanbase acting like we should be ashamed to ship Taylor and Hayley if apparently Hayley doesn't care at all about it and it's also asking for more content and is interacting with tayley accounts more than ever. Just let the people have fun...

Shipping two real life people may be weird to some, it's ok, but it can also be fun to others, and guess what, it's also ok

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Shipping two real life people may be weird to some, it's ok, but it can also be fun to others, and guess what, it's also ok. If it's done in a respectful way, there's nothing wrong about it, posting pictures of your faves looking or doing something cute is okay, talking about it with your friends is okay, having fun is ok, simple as that. Things go wrong when you disrespect one of them and the disrespect may come in many forms, tagging them in posts with violent, senseless or mean things that can obviously affect them in some way and answering them on social media with ridiculous comments saying "get married" are just a few examples. The important thing is just think before tagging, mentioning or answering them directly, would you feel comfortable if someone were telling you and other friend to marry already? Or saying mean things about one of you exes? Simple like that. Tayley shippers(how cheesy to write this lmao) were disrespectful before, which made Hayley write a whole text about it years ago. But not everyone is like this and things have been changing, but the tayley hate train is still going strong. One of the best things is too see some people with a side account talking about them, posting about them in a respectful way, and this needs to be acknowledged, people are just having fun, let them be, and if you don't agree, just move on and don't come back to their account. It's time to stop all this hate. Hayley herself has been liking post, viewing stories and voting on pools and "interacting" a lot with tayley accounts and if she's not bothered, why do you even care to fight with these people who are just having fun?

That's it for today, hope you guys liked, please don't forget to vote and share with your mutual tayley shipper💟 and if you have a tayley account on IG, be sure to follow me (just_tayley) and let me know so I can follow you back and have chats about oir favorite OTP❤❤❤

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