Christmas Update🎄

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    So, Yesterday night  (Christmas Eve Eve lol) Hayley posted this on her IG stories:

    From what we already know, this is definetly Taylor's house and this is also related to this photo also shared on IG stories by Justin a month ago

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    From what we already know, this is definetly Taylor's house and this is also related to this photo also shared on IG stories by Justin a month ago.

    From what we already know, this is definetly Taylor's house and this is also related to this photo also shared on IG stories by Justin a month ago

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    Quick reminder, for some unknow reason, Justin deleted this pic minutes later.

    Based on what Hayley said on her pic ("look they turned out fine this time"), you can say that Justin probably wasn't there. It's also hard to tell if Zac was there too but I don't think he was based on this pic he shared a couple hours earlier:

 It's also hard to tell if Zac was there too but I don't think he was based on this pic he shared a couple hours earlier:

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    As you can see, he probably was at his family's house exchanging gifts or something. That said, there's a huge chance that Taylor and Hayley were alone at his house👀👀👀

    Well that's it, I hope there's more news about our favorite otp today or tomorrow, let's wait and see. Please don't forget to vote and share with your mutual tayley shipper 😘

PS: I made an account on IG (just_tayley) follow me there and let's discuss our tayley theories❤

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