Chapter 12

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               “Emily, what’s wrong?” I ask, really concerned. She doesn’t say anything. I mean, I kind of didn’t expect her to. But then again, I did.

  “Nothing,” She says, as she looks up with tears forming in her gorgeous eyes. Instead of looking hazel, they look completely olive green. They’re so easy to get lost in.

  “I know it’s not ‘nothing’,” I say, staring deep into her eyes. Emily tries to maintain eye contact, but she looks away.

  “Is it because of what happened with Jordan?” I say quickly, and then realizing I actually just said that out loud. I wish I could take it back, especially when I see the look on her face. She looks angry and confused, hurt even.

  “YOU SAW?” She yells at me and then breaks down. I try to go to comfort her again, but she pulls away.

            “Just leave me alone for a while, okay?” Emily says angrily as tears stream down her face. I want to go after her when she runs off. I want to be the one to calm her down. I want to comfort her. There’s so many things that I want that I can’t have. I sit back up against the table and watch as she blends into the crowd. People run by screaming over a Youtuber they had just met. I just roll my eyes, and then pull out my phone. Suddenly, my phone is knocked out of my phone and falls down, the screen almost cracked.

            I look up to see Ray back. God, not her again. I’m about to ask what the hell her problem is when she jumps onto me and crashes her lips onto mine. The kiss doesn’t feel right. She tries to slip her tongue into my mouth and I push her off. I go to wipe my mouth but I feel her lips on mine yet again. Do I just let her kiss me? I mean, Emily doesn’t give a shit about me anymore. So I just sink into the forced kiss, trying to enjoy it. Ray’s an okay kisser. She wraps her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist. I honestly try to melt into the kiss, but it’s so hard. My mind is on Emily. Ray pulls away from me and winks.

            “I told you that I wanted you. I’ll do anything to get you babe,” Ray whispers in my ear, attempting to turn me on. It doesn’t work.

  “Guess what?” I whisper back.

  “What?” She asks, trying to be cute.

  “I don’t like you.” I smile, and turn away from her. I can feel the tension in the air; you could cut it with a knife.

  “Then why the hell did you make out with me?” Ray winks, coming closer, yet again.

  “I don’t know, really I don’t. But I regret it.” I say, sighing.

  “Well, that sucks for you, because I got it all on tape.” Ray smiles evilly as she holds up my phone with a video on it, a video of us kissing.

  “Our shippers will be so happy,” She giggles and goes to post it on Youtube.

  “Ray this isn’t funny, DELETE IT.” I accidentally yell at her. She smirks as she presses upload. Shit. This isn’t good.

  “Everyone’s happy Graser, why aren’t you?” She laughs. I look down at my feet. Who could be so evil?

A/N: YAY IT'S FINALLY UP! Omg this week has been soooo stressful I can't even. Ok so I had an AP test yesterday that was really hard, but yet really easy (yeah, I don't make sense). Anyways, here is the best chapter I've written so far, at least I think. It's my new favourite! Haha, well, enjoy. As always, have a lovely day!


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