Chapter 4

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We arrive at the school gates after about a five minute walk, There are at least twenty more minutes left until class starts. Since I'm new here, Jacob took me to the office to get my schedule.

"Your first, second, fourth and eighth hours are all on the second floor." the office lady announces. "Third and sixth are on the third and fifth and seventh hours are on the main level. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to come down to the office to ask for help." She gives me the fakest of smiles and hands me my schedule. Her smile immediately drops once I take the paper from her hands. She sits back in her swivel chair and turns her back to me.

"Well, this is one friendly school." I mumble to Jacob, who is standing beside me.

"Yeah, apparently she's been working at this school for like a million years or something." He jokes.

"Great, so the secretary is a vampire. That explains a lot." I retort.

We walk out the office and head to the cafeteria for breakfast. Down the stairs, and to the left, past the library and next to the ceramics room. The basement here is actually pretty comforting, considering the kiln in the ceramics room lets out a few bangs every thirty seconds.

"Hey, do we have any classes together?" I ask, handing him my schedule.

"Uhm, lemme see." he scans my paper for a minute before nodding and pointing to a few classes. "We have third, fifth, seventh and eight together." he beams, handing me the crammed schedule.

"Why do we have so many damn classes in one day? Why can't we have block scheduling like the kids in London? I bet it's nice there." I ramble. Jacob just stares at me and bursts our laughing. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just really weird." he chuckles. I lightly punch his arm in offence and let out an airy laugh.

*Time skip to first hour. (yeah there's a lot of time skips, fite me)*

After Jacob and I separate, I trudge to my first hour, Algebra II. I walk through the open door and find that there aren't many people in there. I choose a seat in the back next to a window that looks out to the forest. It's kinda weird that the forest seems to make up the whole area. Also kind of weird that somebody decided to build a school next to one.

I pull out my notebook and immediately start sketching more trees. The teacher strolls in and sets her laptop on her desk.

"Okay everyone, listen up!' she shouts to the class, after the students filled in. "we have a new student joining us today. His name is Ryan." she sheers. Oh no...

Curious eyes scan the classroom in search for a boy named Ryan.

I cough into my fist and raise my hand.

This is so embarrassing ugh...

Some kids turned towards me and snickered. Others just stared at me and a few others just plain out giggled in my face.


I sure hope that this class ends soon..

A/N: I apologize for such short chapters. It's really crummy and ughhhdjjdb

Anyways I'll continue trying to update at least twice a week.

Peace! ✌️🏼

Panda :3

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