Chapter 15

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I wake up the next morning with a huff. I’m going to smash that damn alarm clock one day I swear. My head rolls to the side in attempt to see the clock flashing 5:30am in bright red letters. I half heartedly raise my arm to smash that stupid snooze button.

I sigh and curl back under the covers. I didn’t feel well today, and I had this incredibly strong feeling that something bad was gonna happen. I closed my eyes with a whimper because holy balls my stomach feels like its twisting itself inside out.

I didn’t even notice when my alarm clock went off for the second time, startling me from my sleep once again. I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep again. Without warning, my mother’s voice was booming from down the hall with a threat. “Ryan! Turn off that goddamn alarm clock or I swear to god!”

Without thinking, I swipe my alarm clock off my nightstand, letting it hit the carpeted floor. Still blaring, I sit up from my position in bed and let out a frustrated groan. I pull the blankets from my legs, immediately missing the comfortable warmth it provided for me through the night.

*Time skip to lunch*

I slumped down in my spot on the bench in front of Jenna and Jamie with a smile, lunch tray in hand. I waited patiently for Jacob to show up next to me so I could give him his birthday present. Today had been relatively nice, considering I had a crap morning at home. That goddamn alarm just wouldn’t shut up, and that put my mom in a terrible mood.

The three of us sat there for twenty minutes and there still was no sign of Jacob anywhere. Jenna left a few minutes later to meet with her boyfriend in the library, leaving Jamie and I to sit in silence together, He hasn’t talked at all for the first three months of school which caused me to become concerned for the boy. Was he okay? What happened to him that made him not talk? Is it a psychological or physical problem? I had yet to learn about him, so I decided to write on a piece of paper for communication.

(bold is Jamie and underlined is Ryan)



How are you? Like really how are you?

I'm okay I guess.

How come you don't talk if you don't mind me asking?

Jamie smiled before writing out his response. I don't have anything to say really. Just don't feel like talking that much.

I presses my lips together before asking one more question. Do you know where  Jacob is? I've been looking for him all day but haven't seen him anywhere.

I studied Jamie's face while he read my question. He seemed to hesitate before slowly writing out his response.  He set his pencil down and showed the paper in my direction. I read over the words slowly and carefully, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. I saw him go into the bathroom with Martin and two other guys right before lunch.

Martin? Who's Martin? With the look on Jamie's face, I had a feeling Martin wasn't very friendly.

A/N: sorry for the shit chapter. I know what I want for this story, it's just a matter of time before I get it right.

Apparently I had to republish this chapter because wattpad doesn't like me ugh.


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