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“You know that once I set this shit in motion there’s no turning back. You can’t change your mind about something like this.” I sat and listen to what Mikey was telling me.

“Yeah I know and I am serious I am ready to take care of this shit. So how much did you say that the deposit was?”

“$50,00 and the other half when I complete the job.”

“Alright cool. I am going to also need a birth certificate and social.”

“So, you are going all out huh?”

“I just want to make sure that I have everything covered when that time comes. I don’t want to leave any loose strings. You know what I mean?”

“I know exactly what you mean. I will start my trail and let you know when and where I think it will be a good time. And when it’s done I will send you proof that its done. How does that sound to you?”

“Everything sound good Mickey just make sure that none of this can be traced back to me.”

“Of course.” Mickey said giving me dap as he walked out my office.

Shateria keeps playing with my emotions. She knows how much I love her. I don’t know why she keep trying me like this. Every time I see her and TJ together I see red. I get so damn mad that I can’t even think straight. I keep trying to break them up but nothing I do seems like it works. They leave me no other choice. I just pray that I am making the right one.

Answer your phone TJ I thought as I called him for the 10 time and he still didn’t answer. God, I hope that nothing has happen to him I thought to myself as I walked around my apartment. Christian was really starting to scare me. He used to call every day and just sit on the phone. I thought that he had finally given up when I didn’t get a call in over a month. Fuck.

“Please call me baby when you get this message please call me. Its important.” I said to TJ phone as I left a message.

Maybe TJ can talk his dad again so he can leave us alone. My growling stomach reminded me that I had to go to the grocery store. I grabbed my purse and waddled to my car to head to the Wal-Mart down the road. I was so busy jamming to my music that I didn’t notice the car following behind me.



“My dad told me that you have been working with him for a while.” I said to Dan while we rode to Miami.

“Yeah I have.”

“So, you know about her?”

“Know about who? Oh, you’re talking about him used to be a woman? Yeah, I know about that. I am the one who helped him set up the appointments.”

“Oh well at least he told you.”

“Look your dad wanted to tell you when you were younger he didn’t want to put too much on you at that young age. You should really talk to him about this.”

“Man, I have tried to talk to him too many times. He still stuck on me taking Shateria from him. I mean I didn’t know that was his lady if I did I don’t think I would have took it that far with her.”

“Look I told your dad to be upfront with her and he didn’t so he made his bed. But you’re right he is still stuck on that. Don’t tell him I said this but be careful man you don’t really know your dad like I do.”

“Man, you right I barley know the man but I don’t think he would hurt me. Would he?”

“I just hope that you are right about that lil TJ I hope that you are right. We almost to the cut-up house. I hope that you are running a tight ship I don’t want no more shit to come up missing again.”

“Nah I got rid of ole boy that was scheming from the top. I took your advice and no clothes allowed. Everybody handling the drugs have to be butt naked that way I know that they can’t take shit.” I told him laughing.

“Good that’s good to hear. Well I will see you Sunday I am heading to Puerto Rico call me if run into anything.” I gave Dan dap as he pulled up in front of the apartment complex that held our cut up house.

I grabbed the bag that held my things for the weekend. I got out of the car and walked into the hallway of the apartment and stopped to call Shateria to let her know that I had made it. I reached in my pocket but my phone wasn’t there. Maybe I put in my bag without thinking I searched them and no phone. Damn I must find a phone to call her before she starts to worry.

“What’s up TJ” Quadd said to me when I walked in the apartment. Quadd was a cool dude that I know from my old neighborhood.

“Nothing man how is everything looking?” I asked looking at the five butt naked girls standing to the table in the cleared out living room cutting up drugs and bagging it.

“Everything good man.”

“Hey, let me hold your phone I think I left mine in Dan car I need to call Shateria.”

“Yeah here you go bra.”

Family Love(completed story) sequel to High Price HoeWhere stories live. Discover now