Chapter 1

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Y/n = your name
You work at target you see these lads come in every week and they keep recording but you don't care there not ment to record and ur security but you don't care u see that their having fun and a better life then you . You don't know who they are and you assume they do you tube seen as they record all the time . They look happy  Y/n POV
There they are again allways recording I'll get told of again  if I don't say anything but I'm too scared what if they don't like me or they shout or somthing they look around the same age as me but they look like they have a much better life then me aghhh I wish I had a life like them Ima just walk by and if they keep recording I'll go and say somthing I've got to be brave
George's POV
"Hey guys and today we are going to be buys hundreds of Oreos and-eating them  I better be carful not to get caught " shhh Nathan I said as the  security gard walked past phew as I wiped my brow not noticing she was coming back
I had to go back and I didn't want to loose my job I hardly had any money anway . I walked over to them and I looked the brown haired man with Rolex glasses in the eyes gosh I didn't realise how cute he was until I got up close he then looks back and quirky smile  grew on his face I don't know why but that made me so happy I stared deeply into his magical emerald eyes almost for too long and then I rembered why I was here .. awkwardly I stand up straight loosing eye contact with him I explain that he shouldn't be recording in here but he can finish off the video he was doing as I walked away my heart fluttered and I couldn't stop thinking about him he smelt like candy floss Realy sweet and if you didn't know that was my favourite. George's POV
Her eyes were so beautiful that moment we had was amazing I never wanted that moment to end oh my I must of looked like a right idiot I just smiled like a creeep ahggg there goes my chance with her why am i so wierd I play minecraft anyway she wouldn't like anyone liek me I'm just a stupid little boy Nathan said u like her and teased me about it even though I said I didn't I actually did

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