Chapter 8

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"Yess george of course " " I ment best friends "
"Oh ahah sorry"
"Of course not whta do you think "he lept and kissed me then the connection was powerful I could feel almost every breath he breathed into my mouth and back out of his little nose (it's not very little tho is it tho ?) it felt liked it lasted for ages allthough it was only a few minuets everyone stared at us as they walked by but we didn't care we were young and in love .
George's POV
I wanted her to stay by my she was finally mine we could be classed as a couple I could call her mine that was amazing I asked her to come home with me she agreed we went back to mine and before we knew it it was 10 o clock I didn't want her to leave and she didn't either i pleaded for her to stay like a cat so she stayed
he pleaded for me to stay so I did for a few reasons I wanted to ;) and I wanted to make him happy I hated seeing him sad I loved him way to much but I did have one problem what was I going to sleep in I couldn't go comando cuz dats just wiered I mentioned it to George and he said he would let me borrow some of his joggers and a t shirt when I went to put them on they were like so big the tshirt was more like a dress and the joggers I needed a belt basically but all I needed to do was sleep it was late the time we got into bed we didn't stay far apart we were in arms reach all night making sure we didn't let go beacuse we couldn't loose eachother

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