Chapter 18

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"Take the blindfold of" he said
No way was this happening I looked forward to see my mum ! ( I bet none of u little skiddies thought dat was comin ;). ) I cried I was so emotional he managed to find her omgosh how did he find her I lept into him to hug him and kissed him because I was so happy he grabbed me by my waist and said don't cry I hate seeing you upset and wiped away the tear with his finger I said don't worry I'm crying of happiness i loved him so much I asked him why did he do such a amazing thing for me he said beacuse as soon as I met you I knew you were the one the one I want to spend the rest of my life with the one I love and I love seeing your face happy and I knew this would I knew seeing your mum again would make you happy because you mean the world to me "but George why did u decorate it so beautifully " it was a bit of. A mess before tbh so it needed neatening up " thankyou so much I love you" not as much as I love you he replied
George's POV
She was so happy her face was lit up when she saw her it seriouly made my day ye si didn't ask her but spending time like this holding her and beeing able to kiss her and call her mine ment the world I never realy experienced love and I sure am now I held her close to me and she put her head on my shoulder then she took a picture I'm not sure why but I'll probs find out later .. we walked out of the cemetery and got back into the car it wasn't far away but a little walk through the woods we arrived back at the car and jumped in then headed of to go out for dinner she didn't know and she didn't get ready but I think she still looked beautful .. we fineshed up dinner and went home it's been a long day and we both just wanted a rest we went on the sofa and watched Netflix it was pretty good but she fell asleep before we fineshed the movie she was super cute when she slept I carried her up the stairs and i felt her snuggle up into my chest she felt warm and then I put her into our bed then I slid in a few moments later I never wanted this day to end she ment the world to me don't ever leave me y/n....

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