Chapter 2

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"Alright bitches" Hanna says abruptly slamming her textbooks shut, "What time is lunch and what are we eating?".

"Well seeing as it's almost noon, I say we try Devante's pizzeria across the courtyard. It doesn't usually get too busy till 12:30 or 1ish" Alison replies nonchalantly in an mellow tone of voice, never leaving the black script of her textbook.

"God Ali.. you're so weird sometimes. How in God's name do you know what time it is? You haven't even looked at your phone" Aria asks in amazment, verifying that it is in fact almost noon.

"You guys know my stomach has it's own personal clock. It always starts growling at noon" Alison explains as she scribbles something down on her notebook. "But while lunch is great" she adds flipping to the index, "I'm more worried about our mock trial tomorrow. You guys know that we have to perform in front of the entire class. We've had two days to prepare a case and we've barely mastered all of the requirements for the assignment".

Interjecting her opinion into the group's discussion, Spencer declares, "Now Ali, as much as I am worried about our performance and grade for tomorrow... I need food". Glancing down at the Kate Spade watch on her wrist, Spencer notes, "We've been in this library since 6am. We've worked nonstop and we are further along than you think. You're just letting your perfectionist tendencies cloud reality".

"I guess we have been in our own little bubble for awhile" Alison replies reflectively, "You're right, we deserve a break".

"Devante's it is then" Hanna hollers in response while dramatically pointing to the exit.

"Let's go bitches" Aria says, gesturing everyone to quickly pack up their belongings.

Stepping out into the sunshine and breathing in the slightly breezy air dancing around the NYU campus, the group of four continue to converse about their prosecution and defense strategies for tomorrow's mock trial.

"Ali and I are totally gonna kick your ass tomorrow" Hanna boasts as she links arms with Alison.

"Oh please, how is that possible? We know each other's main arguments" Spencer inquires appearing highly confused.

"Because it's all about the delivery of your point.... everyone knows that" Hanna replies knowingly. "And we all know Alison is a shark in the courtroom. She's gonna kill it as lead prosecutor" Hanna boasts gazing fondly at Alison.

"Han... stop. I do okay. I'm nothing special" Alison says lowly, attempting to withdraw into the background and remove attention from herself.

After about an hour of chatting up college kids and graduate students, Emily and Toby begin to worry that they wouldn't fulfill their quota for tonight.

"Slow day" Toby remarks gazing out into the busy campus courtyard.

"You're telling me" Emily replies in agreement. "Lord... send me a sweet piece of ass. I'm getting bored here" Emily continues throwing her head up to the sky, dramatically praying to God.

"Ohhhh. Hellooo" Toby says suddenly, spurring Emily to whip her head in the direction of Toby's voice.

"Pack of four... three o'clock" he adds coyly.

"Oh sweet Jesus HALLELUJAH" Emily replies loudly while throwing her fist in the air.

"I call dibs" she claims before walking briskly in the direction of the chatty group of four.

"Hey blondie" a confident Emily greets with a million dollar smile.

Hanna assumingly replies, "Hey to you" seeing as she's usually the blonde amongst their group to be hit on by men and women.

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