Chapter 6

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"Call you soon Raleigh" Emily says bidding a curvy blonde farewell a little before nine in the morning.

"Wow. She must be something special if you actually remembered her name" Toby remarks in awe while scrolling through his phone and chowing down to a bowl of Fruit Loops.

"Don't kid yourself Toby. I only remembered her name because I took her to Starbucks. Mind you I only did that because she's a solid hookup so I'd like to keep her on the loop" Emily responds throwing herself down on the couch with a slight huff.

"You really have no shame" Toby remarks in return.

"Well your dick is turning into a damn raisin cause it hasn't seen any action in God only knows how long" Emily quips back all in good fun.

"Not anymore my friend. Not anymore" Toby boasts full of pride and a satisfied grin.

Sitting up abruptly, Emily practically yells, "Shut the fuck up! My boy got it in! Tell me everything".

"I am a gentleman and a gentleman never kisses and tells" Toby replies coyly before placing the empty cereal bowl in the sink and sitting next to Emily on the couch.

"Oh please" Emily responds rolling her eyes at Toby's stupid, chivalrous response.

"I'm not going to get into the details Em. I'm sorry I'm not like you" Toby adds with a serious tone.

"Well will you at least tell me if it was that chick with the tight ass that looked like she wanted to ride you at the club? What was her name again? Some dude name" Emily remarks attempting to recall her name.

"Spencer" Toby says plainly, "And she's most definitely not manly".

"She's actually" Toby continues before pausing with a cheesy smile, "She's perfect".

"Oh Jesus Toby! That's just your pussy mesmerized dick talking. Nothing is going to come from this" Emily inserts scoffing at Toby's naive ways.

"I'm serious Emily. I think I've found my person. This goes far beyond sex. I can already tell that she's everything I've ever wanted" Toby replies smiling fondly at the thought of Spencer.

"Whatever man. You know what it means to bring someone into the fold of our lives. You know the risks" Emily responds with a slight tint of disapproval coating her words.

"Let's just agree to disagree. You know I hate when we fight" Toby says to Emily, playfully shoving her legs off the couch.

"Fine. You know I hate it too. Let's formulate our sales pitch to Rosco later tonight regarding stepping up in the business. We need more action than just recruiting new customers" Emily concludes sitting up, ready to prepare an irresistible offer for their dangerously powerful boss.

Alison, taking Emily's words to heart,  decided to stop by Aria, Spencer, and Hanna's apartment to apologize for behaving poorly for the past couple of days.

"Here goes nothing" Alison mumbles to herself before knocking three times on the apartment door.

"Ahhh, look who it is" Hanna remarks, "If it isn't the killer shark in the flesh".

"Look" Alison sighs in response, "I came here to apologize".

"Let her in" Spencer yells from the living room.

"I also brought lattes and doughnuts" Alison yells, attempting to sweeten the deal.

"Let her in Han" Aria pipes in, eager to accept Alison's apology and breakfast offering.

Swinging the door open further, Hanna steps to the side, allowing Alison easier passage through the doorway.

Handing each of them their favorite latte and opening up the box of assorted doughnuts, Alison continues her apology by reiterating, "I'm sorry you guys. I'm sorry for flipping out on you at the club, ruining your night, and for throwing you under the bus like that in class. I should have expressed my emotions in a more appropriate way and I promise that I'm going to do better next time. You guys didn't know that my brother died from a drug overdose and therefore you wouldn't be able to anticipate my reaction when I saw the drugs at the club. There's no way you all could know that I tend to shut people out at the slightest possibility that they may hurt me. I don't want to get into a ton of details about my personal life because it's boring, depressing, and nothing you should have to concern yourself with. I just thought you should know why I acted like that. You guys have been great friends to me and I want to keep you guys around for a long time. So again, I'm really sorry".

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