Chapter 7

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Emily and Toby silently stroll down the hall towards Rosco's secluded office, neither wanting to address the overwhelming wave of anxiety flowing through their composed figures. Knocking twice on the door, Toby and Emily wait for Rosco's typical gruff acknowledgement to enter his sacred office.

"Ah, my little grasshoppers in training. Right on time" Rosco says approvingly. "Meet Rivers. This is your new boss during your training period" he explains pointing to a unassuming, stoic millennial leaning against the wall on the other side of the room.

"Name's Caleb... but can call me Rivers too" he says plainly.

"You know he's a lot shorter and more gangly than I was expecting" Emily replies smacking the back of her hand against Toby's chest, "Watch him turn out to be the silent, serial killer, ninja types".

"Excuse her insanity" Toby laughs waving off Emily's awkward response, "She's just nervous".

"Whatever. Just shut up and listen to what I say" he huffs before transitioning his weight off the wall and standing tall and proud. "And don't fuck up or get caught. There's no place here for weak men".

"I see why you like him" Emily says to Rosco as she laughs and points to Caleb, "So badass.... so stone cold... you'd think he's the one who brings winter to the city".

"I hope she can use that mouth to turn a profit" he responds in turn, walking quickly to the door. "Come on newbies, let's get moving. We've got drugs to sell and people to get fucked up" he adds dramatically swinging the door open and exiting through the doorway, never looking back or waiting for them to follow suit.

For the next half hour, Emily and Toby sit in the back seat of a black Escalade with dark, tinted windows while Caleb drags on and on about their new duties and how their training program will work.

"We're here" he says suddenly as turns down a desolate alleyway and rolls the SUV to a slow stop.

"Let's do this" Emily says enthusiastically while jumping out of the car, slamming the door shut behind them.

Pulling the back of Emily's arm, Toby halts Emily's eager pursuit of Caleb and whispers, "Don't blow this and say or do anything stupid".

"I won't. Relax, I'm gonna make him love me by the time we are done training" Emily smirks strategically.

Emily, Toby, and Caleb enter the rusty, creaky door to a seemingly abandoned building and ascend several flights of stairs before finally reaching their destination.

"This" Caleb says with an introductory tone as he swings open a door, "Is where magic happens". Inside a room no larger than the size of your typical office board room.

"This is it" Emily remarks sounding unimpressed by the room filled with 4 long tables serving as work stations with diligent workers behind each of them.

"Yes this is it" Caleb confirms, "We like to keep things small in our operation".

"That way you can't get shut down all at once" Toby interjects knowingly.

"Exactly" Caleb replies pleased at Toby's insight, "Whether it be by other competitors in the game or the cops... you'll be prepared. I bet you have dozens of inconspicuous hubs like this throughout the city".

Caleb steps back and claps his hands together slowly and obnoxiously in approval. "Yes. Spot on... so yes Emma, this is where the magic happens".

"But there has to be a Mecca of sorts to supply all hubs so to speak" Emily states in her attempt to match Toby's seriousness. "There isn't enough space to produce in rooms like this. No matter how many distribution centers you have".

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