Chapter 6

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I knew that Freddy wouldn’t actually leave me alone, but I still could not stop the sigh of relief that escaped my lips when I could sense that he was far away.

I left to keep him safe and it kills me to know that he doesn’t care about his well being as much as I do.  He never understood the extent of my love for him and the connection to him that I feel.  

I turned towards my brother, his family, and Jacob and saw the mixed expressions on their faces.  I could tell by the understanding look on his face that Edward understood the gravity of the situation, but no one else did.  

“It seems that leaving people we love for their sake runs in our family.”  Eddy said as he pulled me into a brotherly hug.  “In my experience, you just have to stay with them and protect them from what’s coming.”

“What if what’s coming is nothing compared to what I can do?”  I whispered, looking into his warm eyes.  "I'm scared, Eddy.  I need your help."

"Wait, what are you saying?  How are you dangerous?"

I looked around and saw that the others had left to give us privacy.  I walked away from my brother's embrace and sat on a couch that lie a few feet away from us.  

I began, "I left initially because when we were dying, I knew that your mom wouldn't want to save me. And it seems someone else knew that too.  Aro came to me as I lay in bed dying and he turned me.  I made you forget everything and since then, the Volturi's been my family."

I paused, but didn't dare look into his eyes.  

"Throughout the years, Aro began recruiting people who he said had amazing powers, though he had so many already.  I got the feeling that his family wasn't enough for him. And instead, he wanted an army.  So, one night, we get into an argument. He keeps talking and I stop responding. I knew that if I spoke, I'd make him do something horrible to himself. I'd regret that. Then, all I can remember thinking is how much I wanted him writhing on the floor in pain. Seconds later, he was doing just that.  I didn't know what was happening and I truly wanted to be somewhere else. Then, I found myself in Forks, Washington of all places, sitting on a mountain staring at my brother and his new family from afar."

I took a deep breath before continuing, "That's when I met Fred. He was perfect. And he welcomed me into his life with open arms.  We got to know each other and I found out things that surprised me to no end. It turns out a woman named Victoria created him to fight in her army against you and your family, but he left before it started."

Smiling at the thought of Fred, I mentioned, "He has a power, too. He can repel people. And the thing that made me fall in love with him is that he can't repel me even if he wanted to. And trust me, we've tried. For experimental purposes, only, I assure you."

"I am in love with him, but I am a danger to everyone around me. Whenever I feel so passionate about something, whether it's negative or positive, powerful things happen and I cannot stop them!"

Edward spoke for the first time since I began explaining, "What do you mean by, 'powerful things?'"

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