Chapter 7

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[A/N] Sorry for the wait guys! I've had crazy writer's block, but here it goes! I hope you like it and enjoy summer! 

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Here is Chapter 7:


I helped Fred up to his feet and nearly cried a second time when he couldn’t feel his legs.  Keeping him up was not physically stressful for me; the fact that he couldn’t walk and it was my fault deeply enraged me.  

“Gen, I can’t feel my legs.  I can’t… I can’t feel them.” Fred stuttered, emotional turmoil present in his voice.  

“I know and I’m sorry.  This shouldn’t have happened Fred; it’s all my fault.  I will find out how to fix this.  I will, I promise you.”  I rambled about trying to amend the situation.  “Let me just get you to Eddy, we can’t stay out here.  It isn’t safe.”

I ran faster than I ever have before.  I dodged past streets, woods, and lakes before ending up back at my brother’s home clutching Fred tight to my back tightly.  The moment we arrived everyone was outside of the house moving around quietly taking Fred from my arms and ushering me inside.  I looked at a hopeless Fred laying on the couch and I felt a pang in the heart I thought had stopped decades ago.  

I thought, ‘I can’t do this.  Being in the same room is too much.’ knowing that my brother would hear my plea.  

“Genny, would you join me upstairs.” Silently we walked up the stairs and to a balcony, where I shook erratically.  I felt arms embrace me and immediately felt comfort.  

“Eddy, I’m going to kill him.”

“Gen, I trust you - as does he - you won’t hurt him.”

“I wasn’t talking about Fred.”  Pulling away slightly, I looked up at the man I came to know as my brother, “I’m speaking of Aro.”  I held out the noted I tightly held crumbled in my hand and handed it to Edward.  

He read it in mere milliseconds and looked up at me.  “How could he possess the power to do this?”

“It obviously wasn’t himself alone, but before I left Voltaire I remember Alec mentioning a rumor to me and that’s all I thought it was: a rumor.  It may be true though. I’m told of a man who can do impossible things.” I stare off into the distance admiring the view, trying to quell the fear that rises up inside of me.

“You need to tell me what he can do.”  I have never heard Edward sound so frantic in my life.  I let down my emotional barrier once again and allowed Edward to see myself in my memory.  


Alec and I were were in the ballroom in Voltaire amongst several of the elders, who were without their wives and instead with younger, newer vampires.  We had never had such a grand celebration before.  Aro had strongly encouraged - or rather, demanded - that we dress our best, especially Jane and I.  

I was dressed in a tight-fitted, shimmery, black dressed with an attached gold choker.  My short curls lay just barely touching my shoulders and my makeup consisted of dark eye makeup and dark auburn lip.  

Alec danced gracefully as my partner and twirled me about impressively.  I tried to enjoy myself, but felt tension emanating from everyone and ceased my dancing.  “Alec, what is this ball really for?”  My accent was bordering on Irish due to the years that I vacationed in Ireland with Alec.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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