Chapter 2

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“You were missed, child.” I turned around as soon as I heard the familiar voice from behind me.  There Aro stood in the door way. 

“As were you, father.” My small reply hung in the tension-filled air.  I knew the question he was about to ask, so I figured I would answer him to save some time.  “I just needed to do some soul-searching.  That’s all. “ 

“I know.  That’s why I let you go.” He said with a smirk.  We both knew I would’ve gone anyway.  “When you love something, you must set it free.  That’s the saying, right?”

“Oh, father.  Really?  You’ve become so human since I left.” I said, with a hearty chuckle.  “I really missed you.” I said as I walked over to where he stood and gave him a hug. 

He laughed softly as he pulled me back.  “Who’s the human now?  My daughter getting mushy?  What a sight!” 

“Yeah, well, I need to talk to you about something.  Sit with me?” 

Aro sat on the seat at the end of my bed.  I took the chair from the vanity to sit on. 

“Father, why couldn’t you leave him be?  Why couldn’t he just live happily with his family?  It’s like you WANT him to be guilty of something?  It’s like you’re intimidated or something.” It all came out in a hushed voice.  

“Daughter, I never meant for you to become angry.  I just thought that having Alice and Edward would be a nice addition to our family.” He said as his head hung low. 

“So having me as your family wasn’t good enough, so you had to try and disturb someone ELSE’s happiness?” I exclaimed, rising from my chair.  “Why wasn’t I enough for you?  You were the only one I could trust and I even trusted you when I learned of why you saved me, but this is SO different.”

“Listen, I…”

“You WHAT?  Never mind.  It was a mistake for me to come here; a horrible, horrible mistake.”

“No, Genevieve.” He started sternly.  “You are all I have and all I care about in this world.  I love you more than life itself, but I have an obligation to our race to maintain order and their coven might just ruin our peace.”

“‘Might’?!? Are you serious?” I scoffed loudly.  “They did nothing, yet you still went after them.  You know what? I’m out of here.”  And with that, I left Voltaire as quickly as I had arrived. 

I hesitated as I approached the door.  The house was nearly empty and all I heard was a heartbeat.  Not just any heartbeat, but the heartbeat of Edward’s wolf friend, Jacob.   I could hear him stir in his sleep as he was becoming increasingly aware of my approaching presence.  I could hear him sigh and become defensive as I knocked on the door lightly.  Within seconds, he was opening the door hesitantly. 

“Hi.” I said, slightly awkward. 

“Hi, uh…” He managed to mutter slightly flustered.  I blushed metaphorically at his current flustered state. 

“I’m Genevieve, and um….you must be Jacob.”

“Jake.” He said instinctively, scratching his head.  “But you can call me Jacob if you want.”

“Well, Jake,” I said with a smile, “Do you know where I can find Edward?”

His immediate expression was a little hurt, but then turned inquisitive with a hint of suspicion.  “How do you know Edward?”

“Well, he’s my brother…”


As I finished telling him the story of my life, I couldn’t help, but notice how attractive he looked when his jaw was slightly opened. 

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” I encouraged, immediately regretting it as I said it. 

“Well, I was thinking that for a vampire, you were not what I was expecting.  You are quite beautiful.” He said, quickly.  His expression soon became immensely confused. 

“I am so sorry.  I just can’t control by powers sometimes.  I meant no harm.” I told him, hurriedly. 

“No, it’s okay.  I’m used to that type of stuff with Eddy Boy.  He’s always up in my head.” He tapped his temple as he said this.  “And it IS kind of embarrassing.  I’m sorry about what I told you.” His face becoming unnaturally red. 

“No, honestly it’s my fault…….and I didn’t mind at all.”

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