Chapter 4

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*Jacob’s P.O.V.*

            Edward’s face was freaking priceless, but seriously, I was confused too.  Had the vamp doc really forget about Genevieve?  I don’t think I would ever forget THAT face.  Whatever.  

“What?!?!” Edward half screamed, half growled to Carlisle. 

“I don’t remember a lot of things, Edward.”  Carlisle said, with a faux innocent shrug. 

“Bull –,” He started, but was quickly cut short by a dainty hand on his arm. 

“Edward, don’t you DARE use that tone of voice in this house.  That is your father and you had better treat him as such.”  Esme reprimanded him. 

Edward slowly looked back at all of the people in the room – Carlisle, Esme, Bella, me, and then finally, Genevieve.  His face was plastered with a look I had only seen once; the face he had when he almost lost hope for Bella.  I could see how much he loved Genevieve and how much her nonexistence hurt him. 

“Why?”  He asked Genevieve weakly before turning around and swiftly walking out of the room. 

*Genevieve’s P.O.V.*

I watched in agony as he walked away.  I felt even worse when I saw all of the faces looking at me in pity.  I quickly muttered, ‘I’m sorry’, before following after Edward.  He was fast, I’ll give him that.  But did he really expect me to just let him go?

“Edward, wait.” I said, confidently while stopping myself.  We were already in the woods now and he was heaving heavily, but he did as I said.  He turned around with an immensely confused expression on his face.   He said nothing and for a few moments all we did was stand there glaring at each other. 

“I’m sorry…” I whispered faintly. 

“I know…” He said even more quiet. 

“You have to understand why I did this, Eddy.  Please, you are ALL I have left in this world and I need my big bro.”  I laughed half-heartedly. 

“I do, I promise, but things can’t just automatically go back to ‘normal’ or whatever that is.”  He said, using hand quotes to emphasize the word normal. 

Almost in sync, we both took two steps forward and embraced into a hug that I have waited ages for.  We stood in this hold for a while, but when we did let go, he still held tightly onto my hand as if he were afraid that I wasn’t real, or that I would disappear. 

“Do you want to know what’s hilarious to me right about now?” He asked as we started, very slowly walking back. 

“Sure, why not?”

“When I first met Bella, she was afraid that I would disappear, but now, I’M the one in that predicament. 

*Jacob’s P.O.V.*

When they came back, they were hand-in-hand and they looked a little happier.  He was looking adoringly at her, and she returned the gesture.  When she caught my eye, I could feel blood rise to my cheeks.  Her genuinely beautiful smile widened as she approached me.  I heard a hiss from behind her that came from Edward and assumed he just heard everything I had just said. 

When Genevieve was in front of me, she did the unexpected.  She hugged me and it was surprisingly warm, considering she WAS a vampire.  She whispered in my ear something along the lines of, ‘Thank you for trying to help, Jake,’ but I was too distracted to hear. 

“Who is this?” Said a tiny voice. 

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