Chapter 5

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*Genevieve’s P.O.V*

            The little girl was gorgeous.  I hadn’t gotten a chance to see her since I’ve been in the country, but I’ve been told about her beauty from many of the nomads.  Their words gave no justice to her whatsoever. 

            “This is your Auntie Genny, Nessie.”  Bella told her sweetly. 

            “What do you mean, mom?”

            “She’s your father’s sister.” Bella explained. 

            “Do you mean like Rosie and Alice?”

            “No, she means my REAL sister.” Edward cut in before Bella could explain further. 

            “Dad, I don’t get it.”

            “Before I was changed, I had a sister, but she was changed first and used her power to make me forget her.” He said, sadly, remembering. 

            “Listen; as much as I love this conversation, I’m starved.” Jacob announced, walking towards the center of the room. 

“Oh, I can make you some food, Jake.” Edward’s mother, Esme, offered. 

            “Thank you, but no thanks.  I don’t want to put you out of your way.” Jacob paused, and then continued before she could rebuttal. “Also, I thought I should let the rest of the pack know that we have a visitor. 

            As he said ‘visitor’, he gestured towards me with a nod.  Even though, it was a quite simple gesture, it still made me blush.  Well, not quite. 

            All of a sudden, I heard a growl.  My head snapped towards the direction of the sound only to find that Edward had retired to that corner alone.  From the pained expression on his face, I could tell he was trying to refrain from doing something.  Or rather, he was trying to refrain from hurting someone

            “Stay out of my head.” I said directly to my brother. 

            “Fine.”  Thank goodness.  Now, I can think in peace. 

            “Not quite.” Edward commented, so low that only I could hear him. 

            “What did I just tell you?” I growled. 

            “You didn’t tell me when.”


            “That was the loophole.  I need to know when to stay out of your head.” He said with a smirk. 

            “Oh for the love of –“

            “If you guys are done having your conversation, I think we have company.” 

            “Fred.” I said with a smile on my face. 

            “Genevieve.” He said his face the mirror of mine with the same cheesy grin. 

            “What are you doing here?”

            “When you left,” He started slowly walking towards me. “I decided that you were wrong.  I’m not a whole being without you because I need you.  And I know that you are trying to shut me out, but trust me this isn’t the way.”

            “Fred, I’m just trying to…….”

            “I know what you are trying to do.  You’re trying to keep me safe.” He said, while pulling me into his arms.  “Now let me protect you.”

            I rested my head on his chest feeling content.  I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist wanting to never let him go.  I pulled back when I realized that this was wrong.  I left to keep him safe and now he’s here and I don’t ever want to lose him.  I need to put up my walls. 

            “What’s wrong?” He asked as he studied my face.  Concern was etched all over his face.  

            “You need to leave.” I declared, daring to look him square in the eye. 


            “Don’t make me tell you to.”

            “You said you would never do that.  What happened to your promise?”  He said, completely withdrawing from the embrace that left me cold and empty. 

“Well,” I started, stifling a faux yawn and attempting to look bored.  “I also said ‘I love you’, but that doesn’t mean I ALWAYS tell the truth.”  The lie just rolled out of my mouth. 

            I almost died when I saw the look of complete and utter despair in his eyes.  But I successfully kept my poker face intact.  This was for his own good….right? And just as quickly as it appeared, the look of sadness disappeared, but only to be replaced with a smirk. 

            “Genevieve, you were never a good liar.” He said with a laugh as he closed the distance between us with a short step.  “And I WILL leave.” 

With that he walked away, but not before halfway turning around to say ‘for now’, with his signature Freddy wink. 

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