Chapter 1

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I remember the day I was reborn.  I was 16 and dying of Spanish Influenza.  The room was hot and I was writhing in pain and failed to make any thoughts of mine coherent.  The floors were covered in dirt and the thin, torn blanket draped around my aching body was damp.  The mid-day sun shone in, and while it was comforting, it was blinding.  I could hear voices outside of the rust-colored doors; a man and a woman. 

            “She won’t make it.” I immediately recognized this as the voice as our family doctor.  Was it Dr. Carsen or Dr. Carter? 

            “I know, doctor,” My step-mother, replied, clearly unfazed, “But is there anything you can do to help my son?  Can you help Edward at all?”

            I always knew that my step-mother, Deirdre, despised me.  My father, Edward Sr., never loved her.  The woman he truly loved was my mother, Guinevere, who died in childbirth.  My father always saw me as a piece of my mother and always loved me.  He once told me that he named me Genevieve because I was so much like my mother, yet so much of myself.  My brother, Edward Jr., and I weren’t the only ones infected by the disease.  My father and half of our town died soon after it struck. Now, the only one to look after me was my dying brother. 

            After an uncomfortable silence, Deirdre decided to break the ice. 

            “Why are you so uncomfortable, doctor?” I could hear a smirk in her voice.  “I know you can do something to help my boy.”

            Confusion swept over me as footsteps descended down the hall. 

            That day went by painfully slow and was filled with gut-wrenching pain.  It was only when the sun went down that I got some much-needed relief.  All of a sudden, a cold hand was laid upon my forehead.  I opened my eyes as much as I could only to see a dark figure.  I thought it was a dark angel there to take me away to heaven.  Then, he spoke. 

            “I am Aro, young one.  I can help you.” He said, with a voice of gold. 

            And all I remember is burning pain. 

            And here I am today.  Nearly 100 years later, and raised as the daughter of a powerful vampire.  When the burning was over and I was changed, Aro took me, here, to Voltaire.  I always thought that the reason he turned me was out of love and concern, but then I learned that a vampire with a certain power told him that I would be a great asset.  It took me a while to understand, but then I knew.  I could control people.  Whatever I told people to do, they did. 

            When I had this shocking revelation, I left and looked for my brother.  He had a family and someone who loved him: Bella.  I watched at a distance because I didn’t want to change his life.  He was happy and that was all I wanted.  I fled to Russia, where I stayed for four years and realized that I had to go back.  I went back to Aro, where I belonged.  The first person I saw when I was back was Jane.  She was sitting on my bed. 

            “Why are you back?” Jane asked, slightly annoyed. 

            “Why are you talking to me?” I shot back at her.  She shrugged, faux innocently. 

            “I should have asked you another question….” She started. “Why did you leave?  Alec missed you.”

            I flinched.  I hadn’t seen Alec since I left.  I hadn’t seen him since he’d said he loved me. 

            “Get out, Jane.” I said as calmly as possible.  And then I was alone.  I took off my black boots and climbed on my bed.  As I stared around my room, I realized that it felt foreign to me.  I was tugging at a loose thread on my jeans when there was a faint knock on the door. 

            “Come in.” And almost instantaneously, Alec appeared in the doorway, handsome as ever in a black button up with the sleeves rolled up. 

            “Hello, Genevieve.  It’s been a while.” He said in a low voice. 

            “Yeah, it has…Alec, I need to tell you – “

            “No; it’s okay.  You don’t need to explain anything to me.” He started to turn away. 

            “Wait! Alec, you didn’t come in here just to say ‘hi’.  You wanted to tell me something, now say it!” I commanded. 

            “Alright, fine!  Genevieve, you can’t just leave!  I told you I loved you and you bolted!  I was alone and couldn’t even think!  You gave no explanation whatsoever and expected us to just be okay with it! What were you thinking?”

            I honestly didn’t know what to say.  It was quiet for what felt like hours, but was only seconds.  I opened my mouth to apologized, but Alec beat me to it. 

            “Didn’t you love me at all, Genevieve?  Didn’t I mean anything to you?  How could you?” He stopped talking. 

            “Alec,” I began, “I did what I had to do.  I was constantly being lied to and deceived here.”

            “What are you – “ I cut him off. 

            “I know about Elizabeth, Alec.” I said, calmly, while he cringed.  “I’ve always known about her.  I never cared until you said you loved me.  And that is one thing I hate.  Lies.  You can’t cheat on me, and then say you love me.  It doesn’t work that way.” I turned away, not wanting to see his face. 

            “Genevieve, Elizabeth meant nothing. I – “ He didn’t finish his sentence. 

            “Alec, you came in here to try to guilt-trip me.  That isn’t going to happen because I didn’t do anything wrong.  And for you to sit there and justify your acts with some age-old, human saying, it lets me know that you never cared about me.  Now, get out and tell Aro I would like to see him.  I’m tired of looking at your face.”

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