Chapter 3

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*Jacob’s P.O.V.*

What is wrong with me?  She’s a vampire.  And I’ve imprinted on Renesmee.  Is this even possible?  I am so confused.   How does she have this effect on me? 

I cleared my throat to talk, accidentally snapping her out of a thought.  “So why do you think it is that Edward never mentioned you before?”

“Well,” She started blushing.  “I kinda….told him to.  And before you get all confused, I only did it because I knew his life would be better without me tagging along.  I would just slow him down.  But now…” She said, a look of pure pain spreading across her face.  “I need him now more than ever.  I just hope he forgives me.” 

Involuntarily, I reached out to lay my palm on her cheek and gently made her look at me as I stared into her eyes.  “Of course he’ll forgive you.  Look where he is right now.  He can’t regret the fact that everything happened got him here with the light of his life – and mine for that matter – and all his family.”

All of a sudden, she slowly backed away from my grasp looking disappointed and hurt.  What did I say? I don’t remember – OH!  Was I really stupid enough to tell her I was in love with Renesmee, her brother’s daughter?  Oh, chicken biscuits. 

“Ya know, it’s really not what it sounds like.  I just imprinted on her.”

Her eyebrows shot up immediately.  “Is that supposed to make sense to me?  I don’t think I stuck around long enough for that part.”

“It was involuntary……it’s pretty difficult to explain.” I said, deciding to just stop talking. 

*Genevieve’s P.O.V.*

He was really cute when he was embarrassed, but at the same time I couldn’t let myself think about that because I was a little preoccupied with the knowledge that was just dropped. 

“Listen, we can save this topic for another conversation if you want…” I offered. 

“I think that would be best.” He sighed, dramatically.  All of a sudden, there are a swarm of hushed voices and I’m pinned up against the wall staring into my big brother’s eyes. 



After what seemed like hours, I decided to break the silence. 

“I think it would be an easier conversation if I wasn’t being choked.” I suggested, lightheartedly laughing.  Then I heard Jacob’s booming laughter trying to help me calm the tension. 

“I don’t believe this.” Edward said, releasing his grip and putting his hands on my shoulders.  “Why didn’t I remember, Genny?”

I was about to answer him when realization hit him and I could literally see steam coming from his ears.  Well, not literally, but there may very well have been. 

“Genevieve Carter Ruthven!  How dare you!?” My brother started screaming at me.  “I’ve been without my baby sister for nearly 100 years and I didn’t even know?!  How do you think I feel?”

If vampires could cry, I would be bawling right about now.  My throat became insanely dry and  looked around at the people in the room that had horrified expressions on their faces. 

“I. AM. WAITING.” Edward said the words separately, emphasizing the words. 

“Leave her the hell alone, dude.”  Jacob said calmly, appearing behind my brother’s shoulder. 

“Stay out of this, mutt.”

“The hell I will.”  Jacob retorted, gently grabbing my arm, while Edward spun around to meet him face to face to tear away Jacob’s grip on me. 

“He’s right, Edward.”  Bella talked for the first time.  “You said it yourself; she is family and no matter what she did, she deserves to be heard without judgment.”

“Bella, you don’t know.  You couldn’t know.”  He said, his voice clearly pained. 

“Then tell me.”  Bella said simply. 

“She’s my baby sister and I thought she had been dead for nearly 100 years.  Wait, scratch that, I forgot about her for nearly 100 because she told me to.” He turned back to me. “Why did you leave, Genny?”

“I knew you would be better off without me.  You had someone to help you.” I said, gesturing to Cr. Carlisle.  “Speaking of, I’m surprised you don’t remember me, doctor.  I never told you to forget me.”

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