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Crack, cccrrack.

The ice cracked underfoot as Maria Reynolds hurried down the street. A hot coffee in one mitted hand, papers in the other. She wore a white coat with dark brown boots. A new outfit, a pleasure available from her well paying job.

Maria stepped in front of her office, blinking rapidly. 'Closed' a sign read. Confused, she called her boss. No reply. In fact, no one was out. No cars, taxis, people, anything. What was going on?

Everything was white. Snow coating soot black roads in blankets of pleasure. Maria froze, setting her work on a bench.

Crack, c-c-c-rack.

No one stood behind her. Was she in a post-apocalyptic world? Was there a snowstorm? Maria had no clue anything that was going on, therefore was oddly confused.

Her building closed and nobody being active in New York City. She knew something was up. Opening her mouth to speak, nothing came out. Only cold wisps of frost breath.

A protruding shape suddenly lifted Maria to the air. She was growing limbs? It had to be a dream! Pinching herself, Maria flinched. She closed her eyes and reopened. Nothing.

The wind whispered phrases into her ears. None were worth hearing, so she continued on, quietly. Listening for any sound. People, cats, cars! Not a sound. Yet, one strand of the voices sounded so familiar.

Heed this warning, one and all. For all who try and please thy's desires there's a risk. A risk none are willing to get but will anyway. Affairs are not good, enjoy your life forever alone. Nothing but  praying can save you now.

It was gone. A candle that was out. Maria jumped. Her foolishness- and husband- earned her endless alone time. Maria broke down, sobbing.


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