Chapter 4

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Ashley's POV

I was awoken by a scream which is familiar. "Ashley something is happening to Nicole hurry!" Aron yells at me. I jump out of bed then run to the guest room where Nicole and the others slept.

"Ash--GGHHH!--She'!" My eyes widened as soon as she went floating and hitting hard on the wall. "Anna please stop!" As soon as I finish that sentence it all stopped Nicole's breathing was fine now. We run to her and pick her up. We put her on the bed and Aron came back with a glass of water with him.

"Ash how did you... do that?" Nicole asks me. "I don't know... I'm actually curios myself." I tell her honestly.

"You ok now?" I ask her a couple of hours after the drama. She nods while eating the pancakes that Abby and Jyla made.

A couple of days later.

It is practically a Wednesday night and the past few days Nicole is still getting threatend by Anna.

And everytime that happens Nicole gets even worse and worse. "Damn why did they even do that on the first place?" I ask Charlize and she replies. "They both did say that it was fun." I nod agreeing.

I walk out of the living room and head towards the front door to drive my car. I was driving to the store later that night to get some girl stuff and some chips with ice cream.

As I parked my car and head towards the door I hear Nicole laughing with... no one.

Damn she's getting weird. I walked up to her and saw her talking to someone on her phone. I shake my head at the thought of her crazy.

I walk inside the store and found all the things I need in 5 minuets. I go to where the cash register is. I tell the girl to seperate the things from the food. I pay and thank her.

I head to my car and drive to the apartment... Nicole wasn't at the store anymore.

At the apartment

I put the code and the door automatically opens. I close the door behind me and walk straight to the kitchen.

I place the chips in the shelf near the fridge. I go to the girls at the living room and give them the things they want me to buy for them.

We all watched the movie but I asked them first. "Where's Nicole?" They reply saying "In the guestroom."

We decided to watch a cartoon movie since we want to remember our childhood days. We grabbed a couple of blankets and pillows so that we can sleep in the living room.

We made a big fort so that all of us could fit inside. We all slept after the movie.

Nicole's POV

I woke up and it was still dark outside. I checked my phone and it was 3:00 in a Thursday morning.

I yawn then when I was about to fall asleep again I felt like I was going to... pee.

I stand up carefully hopeing not to wake anyone. I walk straight to the bathroom.

After peeingbi wash my face and suddenly... my face was getting pushed by small but strong hands, my face hitted the tiled sink so heard my head bleeded.

I scream out loud but a hand shuts my mouth. I was pushed backward until my back and head hitted the wall.

My vision turned into a blur when I floated and landed on the hard floor. I hear giggling before I pass out.

I open my eyes and tgey were filled with tears. I was floating on the broken mirror and what I last felt was a piece of glass through my... brain then heart.

I'm dead its the end.

Rheyn's POV

I wake up by a sudden sound of glass shuttering... I wake up Aron and he does the same to Brigette and Lianne.

"What do you want?!" Brigette says stubornly directly at Aron. I save Aron by telling her "I heard glass break someone else might be here." The both girls wake Ashley and the others up.

"What's up? Why you wake me up?" Ashley asks me. Then I explained what I heard to all that was awake. i look around and see that someone is missing. "Nicole's not here!" Charlize tells us as our eyes widen.

"Uh Oh! She might be in trouble." I say as we all stand up and walk towards the kitchen but see no one then we walked towards the bathroom. Hertz opens the door and we see freakin blood all over the tiled walls.

We see Nicole's dead body lying on the floor. The others ran up to her. "I run towards them and ask. "Do you think An..." Ashley intrupts me. "Shut up no one is going to talk about that now... Call the freakin Ambulance." I pull my phone out and call the Ambulance.

I called her parents as she was inside the ambulance.

Her parents were sobbing on the other line which made me sad... because she's my cousin.

The doctor told us that she is not going to live anymore... she's dead... she died.

She was going to be burried after the day that Youen is going to be burried... I dont like this whole revenge thing but... its not my decisions.

I wish I could do something to stop this whole crime but no... "THERE'S NOTHING!" I yell near the balcony. Melissa and Gilliane start to comfort me. I was sobbing like it was my fault but, it was no ones fault.

I wish they never have bullied Anna I already warned them not to but... there they go start bullying and abusing her... "ITS SO WRONG!" We all scream outside the balcony.

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