Chapter 2

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I stayed quiet after what I just told Soul. I could feel his eyes on me, then I saw in the corner of my eye him turning away, I looked over to see him writing, he then handed me the paper.It said..

Maka, what do you mean you don't know, you were just traveling with her.

"I know Soul, it's just that we got into a big fight."

About what? Soul wrote down.

I sighed looking at my friends; they looked like they were having their own conversation with each other. I then turned back to Soul, something told me I could trust him so I went with the feeling and told him the truth.

"Ok here it is, so listen close, I don't like telling people about my parents. My mom and I got into a big fight about me going to school here. She was not happy when I brought it up. She said no at first but when I kept asking she finally agreed. She then called my dad to sign me up for this school then after that I packed my stuff and headed to the airport with my mom.

I asked her if she was coming but she said no, when I asked why, everything went downhill from there. She started to yell at me about leaving her and going to live with my father. When I tried to calm her down, she wouldn't listen to me. She was so upset that I didn't want to leave her. Right when I was about to say I won't go, she pushed me into the line and said bye, leaving me there. I watched her leave, I couldn't find myself to chase after her. I walked to my plane instead and then headed to Death City. The next day I met with my dad and I told him about mom. He said I could call her but the number said it does not exist anymore."

I took a deep breath after finishing what I just said, looking at Soul, I saw the shock look in his eyes. I started to laugh gaining attention around the room. "You didn't expect that did you?" Soul shook his head no.

"OK, I told you a little about me so now it is your turn like why you can't speak." Soul eyes widen in fear, grabbing his paper he wrote fast. It said..

I'm sorry..I don't want to tell you, I don't want anybody to know, OK?

"But why?" I urged, Soul just looked a way from me.

I frowned "Sorry, it must be a rough topic, I understand. Maybe one day you can tell me, deal?" Soul looked over at me with a soft smile, he nodded his head.

"Great, do you forgive me now?" Soul gave a silent laugh; I'll take that as a yes. Right when I was about to say something else the teacher entered the room.

I looked at the clock; he's over ten minutes late, the heck. OMG why does he have a screw in his head?

"Hey Maka, do you remember Dr. Stein?" asked Black Star.

"WHAT that's him? Oh no, what happen and what's with all the stitches?"

Black Star started to laugh at me. I looked at Soul he had a bored face on seeing the teacher; everyone else was just the same not caring what he looked like. Dr. Stein rode to his desk on his chair.

"Ok class before I begin I want all you to meet the new student Maka Albarn. Maka, will you please stand so everyone can see you?" I stood up and almost everyone started to look at me, some guys even whistled, I blushed as I sat down.

"Yeah Maka get it on!" Black Star laughed, "Oh shut up!" Science class may be fun right?


"Ok Soul here is a seperate note book that you can use to talk with us, instead of using your own notebook that you use for class."

Soul stared at me but smiled accepting my little gift.

"Also Soul, do you have a cell phone?"

Soul nodded his head at me, I smiled big.

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