Chapter 5

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How could I be so stupid? What am I going to say to them? Should I tell them about how Soul lost his voice and he has it back for a little bit because I kissed him? No, I can't, but I should!

"I can tell you guys why I have my voice," Soul said coolly.

My head snap towards Soul, oh no, what's he going to say? Soul glanced at me and saw my worried look. He gave a chuckle, "Geez Maka its ok, and they tell me I'm the protective one."

"Dude that's because you are," Black Star said with a smirk; clearly out of his shock.

Soul growled at him, "I am not! I just don't want her to get hurt!"

"That's being protective! You won't even let her walk home anymore."

"You can't trust anyone, besides your protective of Tsubaki!"

Are they really fighting, and how did Soul know I was trying to protect him from telling our friends the truth? You know what they are my friends I know they will help out with Soul and I on our mission to save Wes and Soul's voice.

"Soul, stop fighting! And Black star?" I began, he looked at me; "Do you remember Uncle Dave?"

Black Star just froze, I will take that as a yes, "Maka I thought your mom erased those memories?" he then said to me. "What do you mean?" "Oh ah um I forgot that I promised your mom not to tell you, but I think you will remember soon." "So you do remember him?" I asked, needing to get this done before I try to play with my memories. "How could I forget, he hurt you."

"WHAT" Soul shouted and looked at me, "Where? Where did he hurt you Maka? I will kill him!" Soul then stood up grabbing my shoulders. "Soul, sit down! I'm fine." He sat but never stopped looking at me. Black Star laughed, "See I told you Soul that you're protective of her!" "Damn," Soul muttered.

"Ah Maka I'm still lost on how Soul has his voice all of a sudden, and who is Uncle Dave?" Liz then asked; Patty nodded in agreement.

"How about we eat first and then head to Soul house and we will tell you," I said as everyone nodded.

Soul then coughed, my head snap to him again, "What?" I demanded, he shook his head no. "Sorry I just coughed not because I didn't like the idea." "Oh, are you ok then?" "Yeah I'm fine let's order our food, I'm starving!"Soul then said with a grin, he then coughed again, my brows scrunched together in worry. "Are you sick?" he shook his head again. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere.

We order our food; then ate when it came out. After that we all headed to Soul's house again.

"Ok guys I'm going to start here, I have an uncle named Dave and he is well evil. He's a bad person, kills people if they don't give him what he wants. Soul's family didn't listen to my uncle so he killed his parents, kidnapped his older brother Wes, and stole his voice," I said.

They all stared at me; mostly confused looks on their faces. Was it really that bad? God I must be bad at this. But what do I tell them? I glanced at Soul for help. He looked at me and sighed, turning to our friends. He coughed before he began.

"Look I need your help to get my voice back, my real voice," he began but Patty cut him off. She sat on a big couch between Chrona and Liz with Kid next to Liz. Tsubaki and Black Star sat on the other couch with me and Soul across from them.

"But Soul how can you talk?"

Soul thought for a minute, "Um, Maka's Uncle came and when he does I get to talk for a little bit but looses it when he leaves."

Patty blinked, "So he's here?" "No, why would you think that?" Soul then said. "But you're still talking and he is not here so how are you talking?"

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