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**Beginning of summer**

Everyone walked out of the classroom

"I'm gaaaaayyyyy!!!!!"

"Eds shut the hell up"

"Make me Richard"

"Don't call me that"

"Than don't call me Eds"

They turned around to see Mike(Hanlon) as he approach them

"What are you doing here"

"I'm here to tell you Richie that your brother isn't happy"

"What did I do-"


".......well shit...."

"I told you not to talk about sex in front of El you bastard!!!"

"I know...i know I forgot!!"

Richie looked down he hated being yelled at
Mike(Wheeler) looked at his brother softly looking at him than hugged him

"Aww....ok stop hugging freaks we have to meet up with the rest of the group"

They began to walk off going to meet up with the others at the tracks

They began to walk off going to meet up with the others at the tracks

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