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"So...Richie's gay?...." Asked Will

Eddie smiled

Richie nodded

"How'd your parents take it"


"Hey uh dad?"

"Yes son?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course"

"Im...uh...I'm well...."

"For god sake tell me"

"I'm......I'm gay"

"WHAT?!?!?" His dad yelled out of hate

End of flash back

"Well....Mom took it well..."
Mike began

"Dad not so much" Richie finished

Stan looked at them and asked
"What did he do?"

Richie looked down touching his cheek where his dad hit him

"He um hit him" Mike said looking at his brother

Eddie got up from where he was sitting hugged Richie who hugged back

Eddie thought 'Fuck I'm in love with Richie"

IT/ST Crossover Sequel Where stories live. Discover now