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They were are walking down the tracks Mike grabbed his brother's hand pulled them away from the rest of the group

"Do you like Eddie bro?"
"....Do you like El bro?"
"Yes but don't change though"
"Fine I don't know if I like him or not"

They walked back to the group

Mike put his arm around El they kept walking

A few minutes later they saw

Troy and Daniel walking up to them they smirked at Eddie

Eddie give a look of disgusted

"Well well well look who we have here" Troy began
"Frog Face One" He pointed at Mike W.
"Frog Face Two" Richie
"Midnight" Lucas
"Poor kid" Mike H.
"Seems like toothless has teeth lets go with....Ugly ass" Dustin
"Jewish count" Stanley
"Stranger" El
"Whore" Beverly
"Tomboy" Max
"Stuttering prick" Bill
"Zombie boy" Will
"Fat ass" Ben
"Lastly my sweet not so innocent toy" Eddie

Eddie slapped him in the face

"ASSHOLE" he yelled at Troy

El picked up Troy and Daniel throwing them far deep into the woods

"...Eds what did he mean by that" Richie asked

No response

"Eddie tell me"

No response



Everyone was quite

Eddie started to cry

Richie walked up to him and hugged him

Soon it turned into a group hug

"I love you guys"

"Don't get all soft with us now" said Richie in a British accent which caused Eddie to giggle

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