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El snd Eddie where walking up to the losers and party


"Hey Will" Eddie greeted back

"So what restaurant are we going to"

"There's this stake place down the street"

Everyone agreed

The where walking on the road except for the twins they didn't want the other to get hit by a car

There was a reckless driver on the road

It didn't hit a party member but it hit a loser





Max went and got help

They are where in the waiting room

Four hours past the adults are with the kids but still no word about Beverly

An officer walked in the room

"Ok we found out who the driver was"

Hopper got up

"Oh chief-"

"Who was the driver"

"It was Mr. Marsh"

"WHAT?!?!?" Yelled Eddie

"Oh good Kaspbrak you're here well your mother was murder"

No response

Everyone looked at Eddie

The doctor walked out

"Miss Marsh is awake"

Ben and Bill got up

They looked at each other then back at the doctor

"Can we see her"


The two walked in

No one else went knowing the to love Beverly

"Hey guys"

They smiled at her

"Hey Bev"

**back in the waiting room**

"How?" Eddie looked at the officer

"What? Oh she umm I don't know how to tell you this kid but your mom killed herself leaving this note for you"

The Note
Hey Eddie Bear I am very sorry for all the things that I've said I love you my gay son I hope you find a boy that treats you in the best way possible.
Love your

Eddie folded up the paper and putted in his pocket

Richie walked up to him and hugged him

Eddie began to cry

First his dad died
Then he has to fight a clown
He has been bullied
He's been raped
And now his mother killed herself

"When will it end" Eddie muffled into Richie's chest


**Two weeks pasted by**

Beverly has been living with Max

Eddie has been living with Dustin

"Do you like Richie?"
"Then way do you stare at him with passion in your eyes"
"You didn't let me finish I don't like him I love him"
"Good make a fucking move than"
"Why he doesn't like me"
"You don't know that he came out gay so you have a good fucking chance"
"Oh yea all the guys are going to the Wheeler's I assume you want to go"
"Damn right"

All the guys went to the Wheeler's

"Hey guys"

"Hey Will" Eddie greeted again

They where all in the basement

"I'M GAY" Richie yelled falling down

Eddie helped him up

"Thanks Eds"
"Don't call me that" Eddie said giggling

IT/ST Crossover Sequel Where stories live. Discover now