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**Nancy's P.O.V**

'I'm going to kill him!!"

I was walking down the road saw Steve's car and waited

Not long after he showed up

"Nance what happened?"

"Where's your bat?"

".....Why? What do you need it for?..."

"My dad hurt my brother and me I'm not letting him get away with it"

He nodded put his groceries up he opened the passenger side for me I looked at him

"Look I know you're dating Jonathan I'm just being a nice guy"

I nodded and got in the car 

He got in to

"So how are we going to do this?"

"We?" I asked looking at him

"Yes we your going to need help"

I nodded

"Here's the plan"

**No one's P.O.V**

1.) Steve diving to where Ted is staying

2.) Nancy hides in a bush while Steve knocks on the door

3.) Ted lets Steve inside

4.) When Teds not looking Steve opens window

5.)Nancy clams through window with bat

6.) Nancy hides in the kitchen

7.) Ted walks in kitchen not noticing her

8.) Steve gets his attention

9.) Nancy gets out of hiding spot

10.) Swings bat killing Ted


Before they knew it they where hiding a body

Jim Hopper saw them

"Did you guys-"

"HE HURT ME AND MY BROTHER" Nancy spats out

"Ok well I'll say robbers killed him and there will be a funeral"

"Are you joking?"

"No now go home take a shower and Nancy patch your cheek"

They nodded

**a week later at the funeral**

Teds family was crying but Karen and her kids had sad faces but so much joy inside

Once every one was leaving Karen looked at her kids

"Who wants to go celebrate"

**Time Skip**

Everyone was dancing have a good time the Wheeler's has the best time even though Ted just died

IT/ST Crossover Sequel Where stories live. Discover now