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**still at in the Wheeler's basement only two hours pasted no ones p.o.v**

All the boys were just talking hanging out laughing having fun until Mrs. Wheeler came into the basement with Holly and Nancy who had a rifle in her hands

"Boys get down!"

Everyone hid Holly ran to Richie who held her

Mike watched his twin and baby sister hugging each other

"Mom what going on?"

"We're being robbed"

Silence field the air


A gun had fired Nancy pulled her gun up

"I swear to god if this fuckers hurt my family they are fucking dead" Nancy said aiming the gun at the entrance

"Nancy!" Mrs. Wheeler scolded her daughter

"What? Ted hurt my brother his dead because of me-"


Another shot but this time it went threw the door and shot Nancy

Mike saw his sister fall to the ground he ran up to her Karen grabbed the gun ran out of the basement and shot all the robbers killing them all

"NANCY!!!! NANCY SIS PLEASE GET UP!!!!" Mike yelled scared to death

The ambulance was on there way along with the cops

Mrs. Wheeler explained everything

Holly was crying along with the twins Hopper and El show up and saw what was going on

El hugged Mike he cried on her

**Two weeks later**
**Mike Wheeler**

"We are gathered here today..."

I stopped listening there I miss my sister I just can't believe she's gone I saw Jonathan crying I started crying I can't handle this

I love you sis you will be in my heart forever.....I miss you

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