Chapter 12

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Seungri end up in hospital today and his hyung didn't enter the office.

In Seoul International School (SIS), Seungri class' teacher tell the whole class that Seungri caught high fever after yesterday punishment. 

"Class, Seungri is absent today due to his high fever condition and he still in Seoul Hospital, his hyung told me that he was admitted early morning today. So, either Mino or Daesung or Yoon please collect his homework and send to him after school okay?" 

"Nee,seonsaeng nim!"

The principal called Mr Cha to listen for his explanation that made him punish Seungri. 

"Cha Gun Woo-ssi. I heard you punish the new student in senior year yesterday that made him end up admitted to hospital. Is it true?" 

"Yes, I did punish him. It's because he stole and hid my bag. There's many valuable stuffs inside there. Plus, he does not act honestly." 

"But did you have any prove that he done that? Did you see his action by your couple eyes? Cha Gun Woo-ssi, if you don't have prove you can't accused him like that. It's against the law and you might lost your position, if any of his guardian come and ask for explanation on your act. Yes, a teacher can punish the student for his/her bad attitude but in this situation, that boy end up hospitalized." 

"But sir.. some junior year students found him alone in the gym and on the same time my bag gone." 

"Gun Woo-ssi, can you think it logically. If he the one who stole and hid your bag, why would he standing inside the gym?" the principal asked mocking the teacher. 

"You listen here, I won't take any actions on you right now since I don't listen from that boy yet. If I found that you tortured him because he did nothing wrong, I'll tell the higher-ups. Remember Cha Gun Woo-ssi, you're teaching in elite school.... You may go now." 

Mr Cha walked out from the principal's room ruffling his hair frustrated. 

Jiyong also absent today because he was discharged from hospital after the school time started. So, he decided to stay at home. He told Youngbae to go to school since he don't want to miss any news at school even he's absent especially the boy named Seungri, his bully victim. 

*at the school cafe*

"Jin Hee-ah, Mino-ah, let's visit Seungri in hospital after school. I feel uneasy not seeing him. I already missed his cuteness. Aww, how adorable he is." Daesung starts

"Hmm, Daesung right. I feel incomplete right now because he's absent. Especially during Maths class just now, he's the Ace in Maths." Jin Hee agreed.

"Yeah, good idea. I'll drive you guys there okay. Let's meet up at the entrance after school since we have to split up after this. Oh wait.. I'll be alone in History class after, ahh *sigh*.. okay now I feel the emptiness Jin Hee-ah." 

Jin Hee and Daesung laughs at Mino action just now. They're very happy to get chance to be Seungri's friend but they were cut off as Youngbae and his friends entered the cafe. Everyone feel weird looking at Youngbae and they seem like finding where is that King Dragon. Young pick his tray and walk toward Mino and his friend.

'OMG! Why would he come here? God O God, please... help me' Mino thought in his mind

"Can we sit here?" Youngbae asked in polite. 

"A-ah n-n-ne" Daesung stuttered feel so scared. 

"Don't be afraid, Jiyong absent today. He was discharged from hospital late today." 

"W-What? Why? What happened to him?" Jin Hee asked as Youngbae sat beside her facing Daesung. 

"As usual breathing difficulties due to drinking too much alcohol. Oh.. only three of you, where is Seungri?" Youngbae asked concern 

"He was admitted to hospital early this morning, high fever." Mino answered

"Hmm, poor that boy. Because of my friend bad attitude he become the victim."
'If Ji didn't hid the bag, he won't suffer like this' Youngbae whispered but loud enough to be heard by Jin Hee.

"What did you say? Jiyong oppa did hide the bag?" Jin Hee asked in shocked

Youngbae just sigh because he know his best friend attitude is the worst. 

"Youngbae oppa, you should tell about this to the principal since he want to know the exact person that's wrong." Jin Hee added

"But of course Jiyong will be punish more than Seungri and he'll do anything as revenge on Seungri." 

"Hyung, don't worry. He won't know who is the person that tell principal if you or any of us don't." said Mino. 

After the recess, all of them went to see the principal and Youngbae explain everything what had Jiyong done and Jiyong admit to him that he took Mr Cha bag. Even he weren't the witness but through the way Jiyong told him and the way he story back to the principal, made the principal really regret with Mr Cha attitude.The principal will take an action on Jiyong but he can do much since Jiyong is a private student of SIS bcoz he's over age. 

"Hyung, don't worry. You did the right. You saved two people in a time. First, Seungri and your best friend. Am I right?" Daesung said patting Youngbae's back after leaving the room. 

"Daesung is right, oppa. At least, it'll affect Jiyong oppa attitude. I really hope that he'll be the old Jiyong oppa like how you told us before. The nice and kind Jiyong. Aww.. he must be look so handsome and oh how I wish I'm his girlfriend.." Jin Hee said and gain a hit from Mino.

"Yaa, Jin Hee-ah, stop daydreaming. Aigoo, Jiyong hyung won't see you as his 'girlfriend' but don't worry, I'm here." Mino said fixing his necktie. 

Youngbae laugh at his dongsaeng's attitude. He have a feeling that these dongsaeng can change Jiyong again. He do envy listening to their laugh because his friendship between Jiyong wasn't happy like before. 

Back to Seungri

Seungri is getting better by evening. His fever already down but as he woke up during the lunch hour after the nurse get in his room and give him the food, his hyung wasn't there. He asked the nurse in panic but the nurse HAVE TO LIE AS HIS HYUNG REQUESTED, that she don't know where is his hyung. 

'What happened? Where's Seunghyun hyung? Is he alright?' Seungri thought 



2017/12/01 ; 8:50 PM (+8 GMT) 

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