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Blake came into English late, talks to the teacher about why he is late then instead of going to his seat which is two rows in front of me, he carries on walking until he gets to my row

- lily isn't in today so the seat next to me is free -

He sits down next to me, i don't take much notice of this. i get up to get a glue and at the same time i get his book because i know that he wont get it himself.

For most of the lesson we talk about random stuff, mostly about food

at the end of the lesson when everyone is packing up Mrs pulls me aside

" Georgia, is it OK if Blake sits next to you permanently?" i look at her

"yeah sure." i reply

i walk back to my seat and look over at Blake, he is laughing and having fun with his friends, my friend Ivy comes over.
"Oh, saw you two, so, you two a ting?"
I look at her and laugh
" would I be here right now if I was, no I don't think so!" I reply

     BELL RINGS -----

We all leave
" see you at lunch! " ivy says waving

" OK, I'm staying there to practice" I say and walk in the direction of my class

" Georgia." I turn at the sound of my name, " wait up" says Blake walking up behind me.

" hey, don't you have art?" I ask because I kinda know his time table of by heart

" yeah, but I hate the teacher so...what have you got?" I am looking at him but not looking at him

" oh, performing arts" he looks at me and smiles

" I'll walk you there!" He starts to walk with me.
We talk about random stuff like whether the queen would eat crisps by herself or whether she would eat them at all

" when I broke up with Mia I knew that I wouldn't regret it because she was the wrong person for me and it took me a year to realize this!" He stops making me stop

"when I was first with Mia she was constantly on her phone and never talking to me but when you came over to us you were always talking and never on your phone, you would actually talk to me and make me laugh."
I look at him having no idea where this is going.

" what I'm trying to say is that I really enjoy your company, I have liked you for a while now." He stops talking and takes a step towards me. His voice is in a low whisper

"Georgia, will you go out with me!" We are outside my class and everyone in can see what is happening.

" Blake...I don't know" He looks disappointed but steps towards me

" well let me give you something to think about..." he snakes his arms around my waist automatically pulling me towards him, I close my eyes not knowing what to do and feel his lips on mine soft and first but then he puts more passion into it.

             -----BELL RINGS -----

He brakes away
" I'll meet you here after!" He has a massive smile on his face

" I'm staying for lunch anyway, I will have an answer for you!" He walks away and I am just standing there going over what just happened, I pick up my art book, slip my bag tightly onto my shoulder and walk into my lesson most of the people in my class are looking at me because something like that never happens to someone like me at all, for the beginning of the lesson I keep my head down not looking at anyone.

The teacher lets my group go into the other room
" Georgia, what just happened?" Everyone asks

"Um, i don't actually know, i think that i was just asked out by him!" i blush whilst i say it. Cali  pulls me aside

"You just got kissed, what the fuck? spill girl!" i look up at her and smile,

"Cali, i just don't know, please don't question me about this, i don't even know myself."for the rest of the lesson we get on with the task that Mrs had set for us and practiced our song.

           ----- BELL RINGS -----

" Are you staying in for lunch?" Minnie asks, I look down to the floor then back up to her

" yeah, I'm meeting someone here, but I will come in and practice with you, is that ok?" I am hoping that she doesn't ask who I am meeting with,

"Ok I'll be in here for the whole of lunch, come and get me when your ready."  When I get my bag and go to walk out, I see Blake and Steve walking towards drama, I smile because he remembered that I was here, when he come in the first thing does is tells Steve to leave us to talk.

Me and Blake talked about why i said i don't know because i cant say yes to something that i have no idea of what i am saying yes to.

"its OK, I'm not going to pressure you into anything and hope that you do say yes." i smile at him for understanding that i don't know.

I walked out of the room to Minnie and practice our dance, Blake and Steve watch our dance and clap once we have finished. Minnie and Steve walk out and me and Blake are left alone, he comes towards me.

"I really enjoyed that dance Georgia" he says smiling at me

"So do i, Blake..." i pause and quite my tone." i think that i would like to go out with you." he picks me up and twirls me around, when i'm back on solid ground he takes hold of my hands he pulls me towards him, he snakes his arms around my waist and this automatically pulls me even closer to him, instead of just standing there by him i lift my hands around his neck, i close my eyes not knowing what else to do and i feel his soft, Delicious lips on mine they are delicate and beautiful, then i suddenly remember that there are boys in the tech room just watching us, i pull away and see my ex-boyfriend Will watching us and looking really sad, i know that i shouldn't but i felt really happy that i was kissing Blake in front of Will because of the way he dumped me.

17th of February

it was our year anniversary and we were at 'Frankie and Benny's' he had ordered us some spaghetti and meatballs, we had a very romantic table covered in flowers and a banner that he made saying happy 1 year anniversary, he said that he was going to the toilet, he was in there for a while so i went into the lobby to find him and Leah (my ex best friend)  up against the wall and making out with my boyfriend. when he tried to tell me that there was a 'logical  explanation' but i ended it with him and he is still with Leah to this day...

when i leave the drama block i am walking hand in hand with Blake, there are people watching us...

                ----- BELL RINGS -----

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