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This is the dress that she wears to the party and the date

The day of the party

"G, wake up, babe wake up..." He yawns at me. As I lift my head from off the pillow, I hear and awful sound my alarm going off telling me to get my bottom out of bed. UHHH

You know that moment when you get into bed, it takes you a while to get comfortable, you find that spot and then BAMB you need to pee, that is so annoying, I asked Blake last night and he said " never happens to me, when you gotta go, you gotta go!" At the time it peed me off because I didn't want to get back out of bed, that is a lesson I will always remember.

I get up and hear a growl from under the covers.
" do u have to get up now, it's 8:30am, please come back to bed!" He begs but I can't.
" sorry, no can do, I have my college interview today and it's at 10:30 so I did stay in bed later that I usually would. "
He groans and I laugh
" I'll go make us some coffee!" He says and gets out of bed but takes the Dover with him and I just laugh.

I get in the shower, shampoo my hair 3 times, condition 2 times and shaved my legs so many times that I was shaving the skin off, I wash myself down and get out.
When I enter the room, Blake is Sat in bed, watching the football, just like Jack did and dad!
I giggle to myself and grab my interview stuff and run back to the bathroom.
I spend another 25 minutes in the bathroom, doing my hair, make up and getting dressed, I see in the corner of my eye, my phone buzz to life and start vibrating on the sink.
On the screen it says Paige❤️💓❤️💓
I pick it up.
"Hey, is everything ok?" I ask because Paige never ever rings people, she says it should never ever be done.
" no, you need to come to my house and places bring Blake, something has happened really bad, really bad."
I hear her mutter something, but I couldn't hear her.
She hangs up.

" Blake we have to go now Paige is in trouble!" He jumps off the bed and gets ready. It's 9:30 I'll just call them at 10 saying that I will Be late because of traffic.

By the time that we get to Paige's house I can smoke and someone running out with a body. I get out the car.
"PAIGE..." I don't see her anywhere
"PAIGE..." I finally spot her sat on the Floor crying her eyes out.
"Hunny, what happened?" I ask and pull her into a hug, minutes later there is a mini explosion and everyone outside screams.
Everyone is told to move away from the house and not to go near it.
"There were clothes drying on the barrier and the fire caught on them.... I couldn't shake it off then I dropped it and out flor is made of that plastic... stuff and I couldn't stop it.. I kept calling for mum.... but nobody would answer, I went up and got jay and.... at the same time I have myself this." She lifts up her top to reveal a huge burn on her stomach, I don't know what to say so I don't, I look at Blake he lifts her up knowing that she can't walk and takes her to an ambulance, by the time that I look at the time it's 2:30
I call the collage and tell them the truth, I have another one booked but if I miss this one then I will lose my spot.

Blake takes us home and we  both get ready for the party, I put on my dress and walk out to show Blake.

"Holy cow... Georgia... you look incredible!" Funny thing is I have only put the dress on, I am boosted with confidence from his reaction to the dress, I know that me and Blake have booked a table at a restaurant but I don't know when or where, but what I do know is that I am getting drunk tonight to forget about the last 2 horrible days and relax and have fun.

This is the first proper date that I have been on with Blake, it was weird but nice, he has asked me multiple times but we have called it off for so long, but it's finally happening.

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