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Georgia and Paige's outfit you decide which one is which xx

Christmas Day!

The day started with all of us at the table having breakfast and having a laugh, there was Christmas music playing and we were all eating toast with toppings.
Chocolate spread
Peanut butter
And loads others, it felt like I was at a banquet for toast and all of the possible combinations you can have on that specific piece of toast.

There was a huge feast being prepared in the kitchen, we could hear the head chef on the phone shouting at it.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT GET IT DELIVERED!!" Paige's parents find it funny. Lisa walks up to Gillian and takes the phone away from her.
"Hello...yes that will be fine thank you...yes bye" Lisa hands the house phone back to Gillian and sits back at the table.
We all Finish breakfast with smiles on our faces. We are told that we are allowed to see what's in our stockings. Even though I'm 17 and 18 in a few months I still have that excitement of opening presents. I have always been a huge kid when it comes to Christmas. Me and Paige have nearly spent all of our Christmas together before she has to leave on Boxing Day to stay with her parents in New York.
We go into the lounge and see these huge stockings filled to the brim with little gifts.
I find my stocking and start to take out everything inside it. I open the smallest gift that was at the top and it is in a box!
"Ahhhhhhhh..." everyone looks at me.

I have always wanted a pandora bracelet

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I have always wanted a pandora bracelet. Ahh! I can't believe that I have one!
After an hour of unwrapping our stocking gifts we get ready to go out for lunch.
We all get ready but don't put on anything too fancy! We all go out except Paige's parents.
Instead of getting lunch we do a little bit of walking to Central Park and look at all tourist attractions and they really are magnificent.

We carry on with our walk for another hour before we can't bare the cold anymore.
Tom and Blake are behind me and Paige. Me and Paige are walking arm in arm. To be honest we are nearly the only people walking around except those with dogs. By the time we head back to Paige's parents place I'm so cold I think my hands are gonna fall off.
We all just lounge around the apartment for an hour before me and Paige go to get into something a little more fancy for the Christmas party that  Paige's parents are pulling

We all just lounge around the apartment for an hour before me and Paige go to get into something a little more fancy for the Christmas party that  Paige's parents are pulling

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Paige's outfit x

Georgia's outfit x

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Georgia's outfit x

By the time that we Finish getting ready the boys are already in their suits that they had been given by Paige's dad!

hey guys i know that this is a really really short chapter but i thought that you should have a little to read, i will finish it but i am having a few problems at home atm and it would be lovely to write and tell you all whats going on but i cant because that would make you all upset and i dont want to do that!!

i just wanted to let you know this but im going to be taking my GCSEs soon an im going to be really focused on revison for them and that means that i probably wont do another update for a while 

sorry guys but hope you understand xx

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