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By the time the bell went for the end of school I get a message from Blake

Prick * please can we meet at the gate, I will be waiting for you, please come... we really need to talk about the party 😔😔*

I message him back but it takes me a minute to write it
* no, I will not be meeting you, you really hurt me and I cannot forgive you for what you did to me, why should I listen to what you have done to me! You made me cry for the whole weekend and I am done!!*

I send it and get an instant reply

Prick * I know that I messed up, i can't remember anything about that night but when I saw what was on Minnie's story, I cried because I would never intentionally do that to anyone let alone you!! I love you Georgia...*

What? He has to be kidding me, or pressing my buttons, I message him back as I walk to the bus.
* wtf, no you don't/ didn't, you were using me and that is unforgivable, you could never have "loved me" because if you did then you would never have done that to me!* I reply
As I get onto the bus everyone turns to look at me.
I don't know why?
But I can't be bothered with them
"Mike, can I sit with you please?" He moves up and I sit next to him, I hear a year 9 say something
' I can't believe that, why would he do that for her?' I stand up and walk over to her
"Right, you got anything you wanna say, fucking say it to my face botch, what were you all staring at me for?" They all look to the back and I follow there gaze.

"Blake came onto the bus, he pinned that paper onto the back of the bus...sorry for what happened Georgia!" She stands up and hugs me, I hug her back
"Sorry, I've had a really ruff day!" I say and she nods, I walk to the back of the bus and in pin it.
"STOP...WAIT FOR ME!" Primrose shouts as she gets onto the bus. I laugh at her as she sits down. I open the envelope

To Georgia,
I'm so sorry for what happened on Friday night, I would like to apologise for what I did, I knew that you wouldn't meet me at the gate! By now you will probably be standing here reading this letter to yourself before showing your friends, DON'T this is between us.

I would like you to go to the bus driver and she will give you a bag, do that now!!
I walk to the front of the bus and look at the bus driver, she smiles and hands me a bag, I take it and carry on reading the letter.

Now, go and sit down, I want you to sit in seat number 13.

I walk to seat number 13, realising that it's my lucky number, I know that I shouldn't be doing this but I want to!

So put your seatbelt on and wave to the bus driver!

Everyone is watching me, I put my seatbelt on and wave at the bus driver, she smiles and waves back, I feel so embarrassed doing all of this but I want to know what is going to happen next!

Open the seat table, and open the envelope! You are NOT  to read this yet, I will tell you when!

Please don't read anymore until you get to Paige's stop, I want you to the year 9 right at the front, your friends brother, then sit back down in your seat.

By the time we get to Paige's stop I nearly jump out of my seat. I go over to Ewan and he smiles handing me a package and sit back down in my seat.

You can now open the package!

I don't waist anytime, I open it and take the layer of wrapping paper off! I am greeted with a bag of sweets and a card. I go straight back to the letter.

Wait for the bus to stop before opening the other layer of He package.

I get off the bus and open the package again.
I open it again to get a card and a small box, I pull the letter out again and
read the instructions.

Wait for 2 minutes

2 minutes later
Someone comes up to me
"Are you Georgia?" He asks and I smile and nod.
He hands me a ribbon, I can see that the ribbon is leading somewhere.
"You need to follow the ribbon!" He states and walks off

Follow the ribbon

I follow the instructions and 'follow the  ribbon. It takes me 10 minutes to find my destination
I read he letter!

Walk through the leaves

As I walk through the leaves I am engulfed with leaves poring all over me and it makes me smile watching all of the autumn leaves twirl around me.
I walk forward
And I can see a figure.
I don't know who it is but I walk towards them, the figure turns around and smiles at me, it's a boy, I can tell that, he laughs at me and hands me a key.
"Follow the red roses!" I look around and see a line of red roses, I don't know  how to take this all in, why did he do all of this for me, I get past a cute gate leading to the manner house, there was an archway in front of a wall, it looked so perfect covered in Ivy and autumn leaves, it felt so magical.

Open the door with the key you were given!

I fiddle with the key and I open it, when I open it, i feel like I have just been pulled into another dimension because of the perfect sun, the laces and flowers on the floor, there is a swing hanging in a tree and a blanket full of food. I look around not knowing who else might be in here.

Please enjoy :)

I go to the swing and sit on it, I wrap my hands around the rope to hold on.
"Hold on tight" Blake says behind me, I hold on tight not wanting to ruin what he has done for me.
About 5 minutes later when I get off, he takes hold of my hand to help me down to the blanket full of food. There are so many of my favourite snacks such as
*M & Ms
And so many other amazing foods
"What do you think?" He asks breaking He silence
"Oh my god, this is the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me, I can't believe that you did this for me..." I feel a tear roll down my cheek.
" you can open the 2 cards now!"

The first card
I open the card and it starts to sing something.

'Please look after me, you'll love me forever and I will love you forever'

I look up at Blake and he is holding a puppy, a white labradoodle. I take the puppy out of his hands and smile at him.
" you can name him anything that you want, he's yours!" I look at Blake and look at the puppy, the puppy licks my nose, I think Bruce... then look at him.
"Bruce." he looks up and me and licks my nose again, making me laugh.

Blake stands up and stretches his hand down towards me, I place Bruce down and take his hand, he gently pulls me.

I don't know what he is doing, well I do but I don't know if I'm ready to accept his apology just yet.

Thank you so so so much for all of your support, I still cannot get over how many people have read my book, it's an amazing feeling!!! 😄😄

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Please comment and give me any ideas you have or anything that you would like to be put into the book (Quietmouse16 ) (KpaigeXoX )
(jennyw890 ) (Islamay1248 ) and many others xxx

💗💗💗💗If I get over 550 by the 1st March I will give you 3 chapters in one go!!! 💗💗💗💗

Thanks xx

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