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Warning: there is bad language in This chapter and a lot of it, sorry, but it needed to be done. Enjoy 😉

The day before Minnie's party

"Ivy, do you know what your going to wear to this party?" I ask because she always has an idea of what she is wearing a week before.
"Yup, of course i do, who do you think I am!" She hisses at me playfully.
"Sorry.. can we go shopping at 10, so that I can get something?" She just smiles at me.
She knows that I will buy anything that she says will look good on me but not today, it's one dress, a pair of jeans and a top possibly a pair of shoes but depends on what I buy!
" sure but can we leave at ten, I want enough time for my breakfast to go down so I can eat a shit load a Maccies!" She says to me with a big smile on her face, her expression disappears, I look at where she is looking.
I get up before she can have anytime to comprehend what is going on.
I walk over to Will.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I ask him, I see all the colour drain from him.
" Georgia... let me explain... it's not what it looks like..." He looks at her, the piece of scum that is holding onto my best friends boyfriend.
I don't know what comes over me but I slap her.
" YOU BETTER FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE!" She looks like she is going to cry not knowing what is going on, if I want so angry at Will then I would laugh at her because that was the best reaction to a slap across the face.
" HOW COULD YOU, I can't believe that you would do this to Ivy, after everything that she has been through."
He looks at me blankly.
"WELL?" He opens his mouth to talk but I don't let him.
" why? Would you do this, to anyone but especially Ivy, you know that she has been in a bad place for such a long time, please give me a perfect reason to not kick you in the dick right now." So many people who were crowded around us start to leave. It there are a group of boys who are egging me on to kick him. I shoot them a look saying:
Fuck off now or I will do the same to you!
"Georgia, please She is only a friend, I don't know what you saw, but it wasn't what it looked like, I was going to break it up today, but she wouldn't listen to me and cane onto me! Please I didn't want to hurt Ivy!" He looks so sad. But I couldn't give a fuck right now, this prick just stuck his tongue down this girls  throat, and expects me to not do anything about it.
I know I'm sam hut I have been told by many people that I am feisty. I don't give him any warning, I kick him and he falls to the ground. I look at him and see a tear roll down his cheek, knowing that I have hurt him, I walk with my head held high back into the hotel lobby to the dining room.

"G, thank you...for doing that...I never would have...done that..." before she can Finnish she starts to cry, I walk over to her and give her a hug and walk her to the toilets.

2 hours later

Instead of going home she just wants to spend money on clothes for both en and her, it would be fun if she wouldn't keep saying things like
" Will, always said that he loved me wearing yellow." She would then start sobbing, the fortunate thing is that Ivy's parents are loaded. I love her but not when she is like this, it only reminds me of the dark day when she dated this dick called Chris who was an ass hole to her, she was going out with him for 2 months and he made her really happy, I was quite jealous of them and how cute they were but when he broke up with her, I got hold of him and asked if we could meet up, he did and I kicked the shit out of him, it was quite funny at the time, but looking back at it, he needed to be out in place.

"Hey, we need to get you a dress for tomorrow, we go into a few shops, then I spot it, the most beautiful dress I have  ever seen, I go over to it, I go to grab it but another lady, takes hold of it, I look at the size 8, she looks at me and I look at her.
"I don't think so bitch, I need this!" I shout and grab it and run away, into the changing rooms and into the room that Ivy's in, when I run in and show her the dress, she looks at me. I put my finger to my lip.
" Hello Miss can I help you?"
"...have you.., seen a girl... with a maroon dress?"
" I'm sorry I have not, if your not trying anything, I am going to have to ask you to leave."
" uhhh, fine."

That night
"He was what? I can't believe he would do that after everything that she has done to herself, what's dick!"
I smile at him.
"What?" He gives me a devilish look.
I get off the chair and hop onto the bed, crawl over and place myself on his lap. His smile grows.
I kiss him, and he kisses me back.
" what was that for?" He asks, I just smile at him
"Guess I lust wanted too!" We both get ready for bed, he tells me off for spending too much time in the bathroom when he really needed to pee.
By the time that we are both in bed, I am so tired from today, it was a nice day as I got to kick Will, who is an ass hat in the bits and I got the best dress ever!

Thanks so much hope you enjoyed

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