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Georgia's outfit

After the news, and Paige calms down the doctor gives her a form telling her that she just needs to sign it and within the next three days she will go into surgery.

She signs the papers and falls asleep. The nurse come in.
"Hi, I'm sorry but your going to have to leave!" She states "visiting hours are over" she smiles apologetically.

Once I left the hospital I head home.


You have been invited to Leah's Halloween party
On the 31st of October
8:30 - 2:00
Everything will be included, if not in costume you cannot come in!
Hope you can make it

I do a double take at the invite


The girls ❤️ * [ivy] did u guys just get an invite to Leah's party? X
[sophia] yeah what's that about??
[me] yeah, what is she up to?
[ivy] it could be a revenge! She's out to get you for something!!
[me] oh well, I have to go, meeting Blake in a minute!
[ivy] good luck❤️ xx
[sophia] yeah, don't stay with him too long!
[me] 😂 bye guys x

As I put my phone in my back pocket, I get my keys and walk to the car, before I even get to the door it rings.
I open the door to find my next door neighbor.
"Can you please keep it down! Your being really loud and we want it to stop!" Says sally, she stands in front of me with her hands on her hips and looks angry.
"Sally, can you not! This is not the best time, I just got in, I called someone and I'm on my way out, how the hell is that making any noise, now get out of
my drive before I call the police for trespassing!" At the sound of that she does a very quick power walk, but I don't care what she does, she is super nosy and is always watching us and listening to our conversations with a glass cup against the wall, super creepy!

By the time that I got into my car, my phone went off again!

Incoming call from Blake

I pick it up and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, can you meet me at the coffee shop!...
"Yeah, I'm on my way!..
"Ok see you in a bit!...

As I hang up I don't feel anything the way I used to, he just feels like I'm talking to a friend, and nothing else, like I used to get butterflies when I was talking to him, but now there's nothing!

But I have given up with boys who cheat!

As I pull into the car park across the
Road from the coffee shop I get out, pay for a ticket and place it in my car.

I walk into the coffee shop and instantly see Blake, when he sees me walk in he gets up and goes to kiss me, I just go in for a friendly hug, not wanting to do anything that I'm going to regret later.

We sit down at a table for 2, he had already ordered so I went to the counter to order a hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin, even though I shouldn't!

When my order is done I get back to the table to see that Blake is on the phone. I only get part of the call

"Yeah she's here....I don't care about you....I love her!....bye"

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